Thursday, July 21, 2011

Unfortunately , The United States Slavery Museum Having a Tough Time Getting Off the Ground...

The plans to build the US National Slavery Museum in Fredericksburg Va., was conceived by L. Douglas Wilder , the nation's first elected black governor about 10 years ago. About 38 acres were donated and architectural models were even prepared. Some artifacts were donated .
So where does the museum stand today? It doesn't! The lot is vacant, overgrown with weeds. No construction, no nothing.. Except for a $215,000 tax bill from the City of Fredericksburg, who is making noise about auctioning off the property. Good luck in this real estate market...But that's not the point.
This is a great and worthy endeavor, long overdue and would educate and enlighten not only African Americans but all races , creeds and colors about the terrible, shameful period of American history. Slavery.
So where do we go from here? First of all, Fredericksburg, show some compassion and back off! Governor Wilder, respectfully, are you in or out? We need energetic, well-connected, strong leadership. And most importantly "Corporate Amererica and Academic America "get financially involved! Not many worthier causes!
It would be downright disrespectful to let this project die in the wind...The kids today, and generations to come need to be educated!
Remember, talk is cheap!

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