Friday, July 15, 2011

Judge Reggie Walton Declares a Mistrial in Clemens Trial; What Was the Real Reason ?

Shocking news flash heard around the sports world mid-afternoon yesterday in the criminal trial of Roger Clemens . Yes, on day 2 , a mistrial declared by Federal Court Judge Reggie Walton . To make things more interesting, the parties must return to Court on September 2nd for the Judge to decide if the case actually even gets retried .
So was the case mistried because of the carelessness of the well-respected prosecutors, because Clemens is lucky or because deep down Judge Walton immensely dislikes the case and was looking for a reason to "mistry or dismiss it" ? Perhaps Judge Walton truly believes that this was and is "a baseball matter " and that Congress stuck their big noses in a little too far by conducting lengthy hearings on arguably a private matter . Or maybe, two major mistakes by "experienced prosecutors" during opening statements and again while playing a video (which should have been delicately redacted in accordance with the Court's instructions) was too much , too soon and the Judge thought better to end it quickly rather than drag it out with inevitably the same result.
Whatever. Bottom line , the case is mistried, Clemens goes home to Texas, prosecutors are eating an "all you can eat serving of craw" and Clemens' fate will now first rest in the hands of the US Attorney and come September 2nd, in the palms of Judge Walton. A lot of time , money and effort have been wasted. Oh well Roger, you got very lucky through some big time "rookie mistakes "......We'll see how far it gets you.
Remember "Rocket " , the Government is broke, but somehow they'll be able to come up with another $10 million to retry you if need be! Enjoy the summer. Time now to toast Steven Durham, the prosecutor who made it all possible ! Bottoms up.

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