Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Roger Clemens' Criminal Trial, Let the Game(Testimony ) Begin.

"Mr. , my sh_t doesn't stink ", Roger Clemens , will now really get his day in Court. A Federal Jury consisting of 10 woman and 2 men has been selected to hear the case . Opening statements will given as early as today. Should make for some interesting reading during the dog days of July and August, especially with football and basketball currently on the shelf.
From some of the snippets of jurors' profiles I've read about, it looks like the defense has done a good job in the selection process . Only time will tell.
I can tell you this, Washington D.C. is not where Roger wants to be spending his summer!
Prediction, guilty on some perjury counts . Unfortunately for Roger Andy Petite's testimony will carry tremendous weight.
Stay tuned.

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