Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Diana Nyad , Sharks, 103 Mile Swim ,60 Hours in the Water...Nothing For a 61 Year Old Kid!

Diana Nyad , an athletic wonder and courageous, legendary long-distance swimmer is at it again at the ripe young age of 61. Ms. Nyad will attempt to swim the "Florida Straits " , Cuba to Key West in the very near future. She , of course, will have an entourage of 22 people keeping her company including a doctor, trainer, coach, "shark hunters" , nutritionest and more .
Just think about what she's doing, 103 miles in 60 hours in shark-infested , rough waters in the middle of black, desolate nights. This is one dedicated , driven, fearless woman...The preparation, training, sacrifice..."man o man ". Why ? To say she did it? "Life would not be complete without it "? Writing a book ? A goal ? Lunacy ? Or an extreme midlife crisis ?
Whatever the reson, she's in for the swim and journey of her life. Be careful, be safe and we can only ask that you give it your all.
Good luck!

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