Friday, July 8, 2011

John Mackey, NFL Great Tight End Passed Away; He Was a Man's Man!

Hall of Famer John Mackey (#88) passed away this week. He was only 69 and suffered for many years from"frontotemporal dementia ". To me , it's tragic how these great "warhorses " give their blood and guts to the game, provide lifetime lasting thrills to generations and die forgotten, poor and deteriorated. Happens far too often . Is it really worth it? To whom ? The player, the fan , the owners.....Certainly not their families. Eight or nine years of thrills vs. a lifetime of pain, injury ...premature passing. Tough stuff!
Let's talk about old #88 as a player. He played with the Colts from 1963-1971(1972 with the Chargers) and along with QB Johnny Unitas revolutionized the tight end position. He was fast , strong like an ox, fearless and dished out pain life a "runaway freight train"! Just watch old film of him...It took 5-6 guys to bring him down , defensive backs bouncing off him like a pinball machine. And a lot of TD's over 50 yards too.
One thing most don't remember about Mackey is he actually made the "original Immaculate Reception " before Franco Harris in the the 1971 Superbowl vs. Dallas. Johnny Unitas throws a pass to Colts receiver Eddie Hinton. The ball bounces off Hinton's hands, grazes the fingertips of Mel Renfro(Cowboy's Pro Bowl defensive back) and ends up downfield into the waiting arms of Mackey who takes it 75 yards for a touchdown! Colts go on to win 16-13 on a last second( actually 5 seconds) field goal. Stuff dreams are made of !
John Mackey ,you were and are special . I plan on getting my hands on some old film of you...the thrills will never go away!

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