Thursday, May 19, 2011

NFL Lockout Back in Place; Frankly, at this Point I Couldn't Give Two Sh__s!

So did you hear? The Federal Appeals Court issued interim relief to the NFL, so the "lockout " is now back in place. Does anyone really care? The situation has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime at this point.
Lockout/ no lockout, which is it? It reminds me of the great "Mel Brooks line" in "History of the World Part One "; Hump-Death, Hump -Death ! You may have noticed that this latest victory for the NFL Owners got very little media play. Fans are losing interest.
Now they have basketball, but once the NBA Playoffs finish, and we're stuck with only baseball, tennis and golf...will the fans start to care again? I hope not .
Honestly, I'm ready to boycott the entire NFL season this year just to send the NFL this message; ...."You've gone too far this time "! I'm not watching.
You know what? Once upon a time there was no NFL.....Life goes on!

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