Sunday, May 15, 2011

Burlyce Logan; You go Girl!

The news today is 90 % bad, horrifying, distressing or sad! So when those feel good stories occur , I think we should really get up and cheer.
One such story involves Burlyce Logan. In 1956 she attended North Texas State College in Denton Texas(Now The University of North Texas).Ms. Logan is African -American. As a student there in 1956 she was taunted, made to feel unwelcome by the administration, pushed in front of a moving car and had a cross burned on the lawn of the home where she lived while attending college. All because of one thing; Yes she was African-American .
Well 55 years have passed. She married, had kids, divorced , moved away and remarried her first husband whose family is from Denton , Texas. Now at the "ripe , young age of 73 ", Ms. Logan has returned to The University of North Texas and will receive her bachelor's degree this spring. Wow, what an accomplishment ! She came "full-circle " and will be the proudest graduate I'm sure at Commencement ceremonies.
Burlyce Logan.....We're all proud of you!
Oh, and I almost forgot. She's starting the master's program in the fall.
You go girl!

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