Friday, May 13, 2011

Nazi Death Camp Guard gets Five Years from German Court; Are you f__kin Kidding Me?

John Demajanjuk , the Ukranian prision guard at Sobibor concentration camp in Nazi -occupied Poland in 1943 was involved in "the deaths " of 28,000 Jews during World War 2. That's 28,000 murders he participated in!
After years of legal wrangling , extraditions, convictions and appeals in Israel, Demajanjuk finally was deported to Germany to face trial, almost 50 years after Eichmann's trial . The former Ohio autoworker is 91 and in poor health.
So after hearing the case and convicting him, the German Court sentenced guess what? Five measley years. I get the fact that he's 91 and all....but the Nazi's never took pity on any human being, 91 years of age or otherwise !
The German Government and Judiciary had a clear opportunity to send a message and close out the most despicable chapter in their history. But they couldn't and didn't!
Shame on you.

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