Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn; You're a Skunk, Salamander and Leech.

There is nothing worse in my opinion than a person "of power " who utilizes his or her position to abuse, demean, take advantage of, bully or " God forbid " sexually assault an individual in a less "powerful position ". Despicable is not even a strong enough word!
Well, let's see....what do we have here ? Dominique Strauss-Kahn , lawyer, internationally respected economist, head of the IMF and possible candidate to run France . Look , I understand there are different social mores in Europe and I while I fully and strongly support the "presumption of innocence ", the allegations of attempting to rape a chamber maid and then forcing her to perform oral sex in a lavish hotel suite is pretty hard to swallow. How do you even put yourself in the position to be " one on one" in a hotel room with a chamber maid if you're Strauss-Kahn. You don't unless you plan it that way. Rumors indicate it may not have been the first time.
Look, I'm not even going to get into the whole extra-marital affair stuff or the stories of similar acts now surfacing from nine years ago. Although a New York Criminal Court Judge who denied bail to Strauss-Kahn is obviously taking things quite seriously!
As in any case, this must wind through the process, and yes it may be his word against hers. How much money will it take to hush her and make this go away? Who knows. We shall see.
But in the meantime , enjoy your stay Mr. Strauss-Kahn in a slightly less lavish setting...."Protective custody" at Rikers! Enjoy the room service !

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