Monday, May 9, 2011

Clemens' Lawyers on the Attack; Seeking Investigative Materials...

Roger Clemens, baseball icon, 6 or 7 Cy Young awards(I forgot already) , sure-fire future first ballot Hall of Famer...all true until he was indicted on perjury charges. Unfortunately for him , he is another athlete who believed his "sh_t didn't stink"! Arrogant , nasty, a chip on his shoulder...All great attributes on the mound , but not necessarily in a thing called"life ". "What comes around goes around"!
Well, of course Clemens has dug his own ditch; Question is whether his high-paid attorney Rusty Hardin and his legal team can extricate Clemens from his legal nightmare. Hardin has the cash-cow of his lifetime in Clemens , and I am certain he has been instructed by Roger not to leave one stone unturned.
His latest legal tact (which I applaud) has been to seek via subpoena the investigative files, worksheets, notes, etc from the Congressional Committee and it's law firm who investigated steroids on behalf of Major League Baseball. Hardin's subpoenas were met with motions to quash.
The committee cited a constitutional privilige while the law firm DLA Piper cited attorney work product among other arguments. Interesting little "sidebar " to spruce up " an otherwise stagnant proceeding". The motions are currently before the Court.
Two questions come to mind; Will the motions be granted or denied...And is there really anything helpful in the materials being sought. Or is this a classic fishing expedition?
Well Clemens on this application alone will spend about a million dollars to find out!

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