Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Adolf Eichmann Nazi Trial; 50 Years Ago.

Karl "Adolf " Eichmann, a Nazi, was one of the " worst monsters " known to mankind. He served under Hitler during World War 2 and was personally responsible for sending millions of Jews to "Nazi Death Camps". At the end of the War he was arrested by the Americans and confined to an internment camp. Somehow, some way he escaped from the Camp unrecognized.
He was able to flee to Argentina and assume the name Ricardo Klement where he lived until 1960. In 1960 Israeli Mossad agents abducted him(much has been written about Post-war Germany knowing his whereabouts) and brought to Israel where he was tried ,convicted and executed. Too much "due process " for an animal!
Interestingly enough, full transcripts of that trial are available. As I've read and learned that was the most highly publicized and controversial trial of it's time. It was watched and followed worldwide. Something every Jewish person should know about and never forget!
What tremendous efforts by the Israeli trackers.

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