Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Only thing Missing From The Secret Service, Is The Late, Great, John Belushi !!!

Hookers, partying , travel, drinking to excess  and passing  out in the hotel  hallway(Amsterdam). No I'm not talking about  "Animal House ".  I'm  referring to  the Presidential   Secret  Service ! Laughable, sad and pathetic. Three  words that come to mind.
    Wanted :  Young, horny, adventerous  college grads. Guard  POTUS  by day  and  chase  PU___Y   by night. See the world. Experience  local  culinary (not cun____gis you nitwit) delights. Drink wine, beer and shots. Find babes. Every color, shape, size and ethnicity .  Dance the night away.  All  courtesy of Uncle  Sam. Car crashes are optional.  You get the picture.....
   So  whether it's been  in  Columbia, Miami  or Amsterdam  our  "Agents ", sworn to protect , (not er__t silly)  have had a hard time  staying  in line .  There must be a solution.  Perhaps a chaperone  would do the trick  .  Sarah  Palin?

 Steve  Goldman reporting

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

" Madoff Five " Convicted.. !!!

 The Madoff   Era  is still not over.  The Trustee is  still recovering money. Lawyers  still making big  dollars. And the  criminal prosecutions are   continuing.
 A   Federal Court  Jury in  Manhattan  just convicted  5  former  "Madoff   Insider  Employees" of conspiracy etc.,  with (You guessed it) the help of  other  former disgraced  Madoff  Employees  who had cut deals.  The Jury evidently didn't accept the thrust  of  the defense that they  too  were  duped  by the Madoffs'.
  Hey, apparently every "scheme" needs cooperators. Well, these "cooperators " are looking at some real  time!  Congrats to the Prosecution.   Better late, than never!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Don't Look Now, Dow At 16,423 at 11:00 Today!!!

 Wowee !  The Dow Jones is closing in on 16.500.  Incredible to say the least. Upward momentum continuing.  What does it really mean anymore ? 
  Next stop 17,000  ??   Enjoy the weekend...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Knicks; Phil Jackson Era To Begin, Somewhere Up There Red Holzman is Smiling!!!

Welcome back Phil....It's been a long time...I, for one  am excited to have you. The way I  look at it , it's like having  Vince Lombardi join the Jets'  front office..It is a no lose proposition.  Yes Phil's  work is cut out for him. Will Mr. Dolan leave him to work his magic? Will Melo stay? Woodson, in or out?   Lot of questions.
   So Tuesday   Jackson's  hiring will be announced. Then it's time to get to work!  Wonder if we can hire Bill Bradley, Jerry Lucas, Clyde and Earl The Pearl ?
     Now that wuld be some brain trust!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dow Jones, Approaching Unchartered Territory....!!

 In the topsy  turvy world of Wall Street , anything is possible. While the news has  been saturated with  "the dark side of Wall Street "  of late, once again the Dow  has righted itself. Through war, crisis, recession, bailouts , etc, the  Dow Jones Index   continues to rise. The  Dow opened at around 16,450   today after  breaking the 16,000 mark, then dipping back under.
  So my prediction, 17,000  by    May 1st!!!
  Let's see...All we need is a little  positive economic news and we're  there.

Steve  "Adam Smith "  Goldman reporting.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Is Amare Back? You Be The Judge !

  We  have all just about  forgotten  how good  Amare was  in Pheonix   and  then his first half season  in New York. Dominant  physical specimen! Then through a series of   things including his inabiity to adjust to Melo,  injury and personal issues  he almost overnight became a shell of himself. Seemed like he forgot how to play basketball !
  But  he has persevered, has  been patient (at least outwardly)  and has continued to work hard.  Lo and behold, he is showing signs  of the old Amare. Quickness, strength, great spring, low post game, hitting the offensive glass and   making the  mid-range jumper. Last night his "D"  was terrific too.  So is he back?  Can he continue it ?  Where will he land next year? All questions  that only time will tell.
    For now, please just keep him in the starting lineup and let him play 30 plus minutes a night...And coach, why are you benching him the last 7 minutes of the 4th?

Ok, 3 straight..Remain calm.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Judge Louis Kaplan Did Not Like The Chevron Litigation From Day One and Just Expressed His Reasons In A 500 Page Opinion!!

At least in the  US  for now, enforcement of the  Ecuadorian's judgment  against Chevron is temporarily on hold. Judge Kaplan  opined in no uncertain terms that  the judgment of $19 billion in Ecuador  was facilitated by fraud, bribes and criminal activity. The case will obviously travel the Appellate route now.  Lead  plaintiffs' counsel could be facing some additional legal headaches of his own.
  So while the plaintiffs  still have some jurisdictions  in which they can attempt to enforce their judgment(i.e. Canada), their options are now very, very much limited.
  Chevron  has to be feeling pretty good today about this turn of events.

   The Great Oz  has spoken!!
And of course life goes on for the  Ecuadorians.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Knicks; As a Fan, I've Lost Hope and It's Just Too Painful To Watch!

 Every fan, some more than others ,  reaches a point   where the pain, despair, lack of hope, uncomfortableness  and  dis-interest  takes over. It's  just a feeling where you don't check the schedule, don't read  about "your team"  in the papers and simply can't  watch anymore(let alone listen on the car radio).You volunteer to do things with your wife.
   Well folks, after  Thursday nights beating  in South Beach  and the Horror Show at the Garden  last  night, I  have to admit it's over for me.  Wait till next year...The defense is brutal, the offense is brutal. It  looks like the players "have stopped playing " for Woodson and in turn  Woodson  has expanded the rotation  ceremoniously  throwing in the towel. Very, very sad  considering February just ended and  there are some 25 games  still to go.
  Thank God  March Madness is coming, NBA Playoffs(NHL too)  and the  Yanks  opening  day. I  would rather endure the Chinese Water Torture than  be  forced to watch Felton, JR Smith  and Tyson Chandler. And  the  constant face of distress on Woodson.
   So Steve Mills and James Dolan, please do Woodson a favor. Fire him. Pay him  and let  good ol Herb Williams finish up the year.
  It's over, it's ugly, it's unfixable  and most of all unwatchable!!!