Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Big Papi's Performance, One of Greatest in World Series History !!

 Big Papi is 11 for 15 in 5 games. Batting almost .800!  What else can you say?  I guess you can  compare it to  Lou Brock and Booby Richardson's  13 hits and  maybe Reggie's 5 homers in 1977.  But again, it's only 5 games so far.....
  Game 6 at Fenway , and possibly game 7 will  have all the drama  of a tightly contested Fall Classic. Somehow, I don't think we've seen the end of Ortiz.

  Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bill Mazer Dies at Age of 92...He Was Sports Center Before ESPN!

 Bill  "The Amazing " Mazer sadly just passed at age 92. He was a sportscasting legend in New York circles. His Sunday night Sports Wrap-up show at 10:30  , "Sports Extra ",  I watched religiously. He accomplished so much, and was  a major pioneer of sports radio call-in shows. He did it all!

God Bless.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Even The Great OZ (I mean Steven A. Cohen) Feeling The Effects of The Government's Full Court Press!

 Criminal prosecutions of high level employees , a  huge civil investigation , astronomical legal bills  and the uncertainty of " what's next " , have all  had a   significant impact on SAC Partners ! I'm a firm believer, that if the Government  wants you bad enough, they'll somehow destroy you. (see John Gotti, et al).
   I think you're seeing the end of SAC  Partners as you previously knew them . Already, most or all of the outside $ is gone. The London office is closing. Defections I assume are   numerous. Layoffs are happening, units/divisions are closing. Shrinkage is inevitable.
   What will SAC  look  like in say 2 years? Stamford office only. 400-500  employees. Managing only about $5 billion ...All Steven Cohen's . Profits and management fees way down.  But somehow, they'll survive.
  Hey, Cohen may even have to sell a few more Monets. Life sucks, I guess.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

JP Morgan, Another Drop in The Bucket...This Time $13 Billion!

 The regulators and  JP Morgan are at it again .  In a never-ending saga, Morgan is being investigated again, putting up a tough facade, and then  lo and  behold  reaching back into  their endless well of cash. This time $13 billion  will be paid to resolve civil charges  relating  to the sale of "toxic mortgage-backed securities".
   The payments  seem so   run of the mill to Morgan , almost like they're using monopoly money.  Where does the $  keep on coming from? Mind boggling.
  Anyway, on the one hand they're putting the civil charges to bed.  On the flip side, possible California criminal charges are still lingering.....
  Oh well, no time to waste. Monthly  charges for checking accounts just went up $2 per customer...And the rich get richer!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Republicans Should Be Suspended for One Year For Being Such A__holes!

 What a  "cluster-f__k!!  Our beloved "right wingers"  put our great country on the brink of default, caused a Government  Shutdown  and may have caused  irreparable damage to their party. May, I mean definitely did  cause long-lasting damage to the  GOP.  And for what?
   The debt ceiling   crisis was resolved  finally. We all knew it would be. Not if, but when. A huge game of chicken...That's all it was .  A  plan with   zero chance  of success. 
  Hey, maybe some good  will come out of all this.  Republican political suicide and the Dems retaking the  House.  Let's see. 
  Thank God, the Statue of Liberty is back open.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Steven Cohen of SAC Capital Selling Artwork to Pay For Legal Bills...But Please Don't Feel Sorry For Him!!!

   As reported in the NY Times  today, Hedge Fund  Mogul, Steven  A. Cohen, embroiled in SAC's  indictment and  mounting regulatory  headaches was selling some high-end artwork to pay  for  the  multi-million  dollar legal bills that SAC   has incurred  and is still  incurring. The legal bills will continue to accrue , as  I'm sure Cohen understands  his team  has to outwork the SEC  and Justice Dep't  to survive.
   But hey, please  don't feel sorry  for Cohen. He's reported to be worth in excess of $7 billion. Yes, billion!  It's  his decision to fight, somehow to preserve his legacy.
   The lawyers are getting richer, but they too have one big problem...Not enough  time to even fill out their "time sheets"!
    Good luck selling your Andy Warhols.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dow Shoots Up 323 On Probability a Debt Ceiling Deal May Be Reached !!!

 You don't have to be  a Harvard Economics Profesor  to know  that  even  the "great Republican Party" would never let our Country go into default . The House would huff and huff but would  never destroy America's AAA  rating. So with time growing short(and disapproval ratings  in a free fall),some meaningful discussions took place at the White House.
  Of course investors worldwide desperate for some encouraging news, acted on it, sending the Dow skyrocketing back over the 15,000 mark.  The next few days should be more fun than a barrel of monkeys!!

Steve "Adam Smith " Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A-Rod's Legal "Dream Team" Giving Him His Money's Worth!

Hey, everyone is entitled to the best legal defense(or offense) available. Of course , the wealthy can afford "slightly better " counsel. Look what  OJ's and John Gotti's  superstar attorneys did for them. Need  I  say more ?
  So A-Rod who has  dug his heels in and  vowed to fight MLB's  suspension to  the end, has himself compiled a pretty impressive  team of attorneys.  They're counseling him,  representing  him at the arbitration, conducting  a "leave no-stone unturned  " investigation, and just last week  filed 2 new lawsuits on A-Rod's behalf.  I  like their latest strategy. Take the offensive. Let  your adversary  know you have unlimited resources and staying power. No downside at all.
  So  as the post-season continues, A-Rod's " legal eagles " gear up for more battle.

  Who will blink first?  Stay tuned!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jerry Sandusky's Appellate Bid For a New Trial Is Denied!

Convicted child molester, Jerry  Sandusky's bid to the Appellate Court for a new trial has been denied. Effectively , Sandusky will now  rot and die in jail!  Where he belongs!
   Sandusky, will probably petition the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for review,  in a last ditch Appellate "Hail  Mary ", before his  options are officially exhausted.
  With the lives he destroyed, there is simply no adequate punishment for him.
 Again, shame on you Penn State!  You aided and abetted  Jerry  Sandusky...Like a kid in candy shop.

Let's move on.