Friday, September 23, 2011

Wall Street; Hey Investors Don't Panic, Your Actions Will Dictate Prices/Indexes.

Yesterday was a brutal day in the market. Fears that we're sinking further into a recession as usual fueled a "sell-off " worldwide . Lo and behold, the market fu__in tanked! Haven't stock market inestors (players ) learned after all these years ? Guess not.
Well guys(and gals) wake up! The stock market is like " an animal sensing fear in you"...If they see you're scared they might attack. Well, once the market senses investor concern, fear then panic and sell off , there is nothing really (practically) that can be done to stop the "free-fall". The day (2 days or a week) has to run it's course. Investors then have to lick their wounds, and decide if they have the stomach to stay in the market.
Like today; things quieted down after yesterday and as of 10:05 today the market is down a few points. No magical formula. Maybe just a more pragmatic approach to things today.
So ask yourself,"should I stay or should I go now?If you say that you are mine...."
Good luck!

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