Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Attica, Forty Years Since the Uprising....Did Governor Rockefeller Blow It?

September 13th, 2011 marks the 40 year anniversary of the "Attica Riots " . Yes, 1971 , can you believe it ? Attica, a maximum security correctional facility in western New York was the scene of a major revolt and taking of guards as hostages by mostly African American inmates who were protesting conditions, racism and the "grievance process " at Attica .
Recently , taped phone conversations between Governor Rockefeller and then President Nixon were discovered discussing the Attica siege . On tape, Rockefeller refused to go to Attica to negotiate to put an end to the " hostage crisis", (against advice from his inner circle) but instead sent in a small army of 1000 armed law enforcers to quell the uprising.
When the smoke cleared , 29 inmates were dead and 10 guards were killed. Order was restored but at a heavy toll to all. Additionally, The State of New York paid out about $20 million to settle related litigation . Pardons and a commutation of sentence were subsequently handed out by Governor Hugh Carey.
At the end of the day, many lost lives that could have been saved and New York State and Nelson Rockefeller were forever scarred by this tragic series of events. Your thoughts?

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