Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mariano Rivera(Mo) Ties Trevor Hoffman With 601 Saves...Just Another Day or Two and He'll Be King!

Mariano Rivera , Old Number 42 is still going strong ! On Saturday, he tied Trevor Hoffman for most all-time career saves, when he "racked up" #601. He undoubtedly will get number 602 in the next week unless the Yanks get blown out every night or they put a licking on their opponents! Jorge Posada has had the great pleasure of being on the receiving end of 368 of those saves.
When Mariano reaches "save #602 " he will of course be the all-time saves leader , but the whole world has known for a long time that "Mo" is and has been the greatest closer in the history of professional baseball. No ifs, ands or buts! Five World Series rings, 601 saves, all-time leader in post-season saves, numerous all star selections, perennially saves 40 games, has a superhuman strike to ball ratio, has uncanny command ...Not to mention he is probably the career leader in bats broken. Nothing more to say, is there? Oh yes, he's a great teammate and a superclassy individual.
Mo thanks for the memories...But we aint done yet!

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