Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Remember Carl Oglesby, Leader of Students for a Democratic Society...He Passed at Age 76 .

The 1960's, the Viet Nam War, LSD, "Student Demonstrations ", "sit-ins", " free love ", civil rights, JFK, radicals, liberals, communists, anti-war, "hawks", "doves "...What a fu__in decade! To experience all this first-hand must have been quite a ride! Never a dull day.
Berkley, Kent State, Columbia. And remember the Students for a Democratic Society ? Charles Oglesby, was born to poor white southerners who came north to Ohio to seek better economic opportunity. He earned his bachelor's degree at Michigan and was working for the Bendix Corp. with a wife and three kids .
In the mid 1960's, after being recruited by the Students for a Democratic Society , he sold everything and joined their public "anti-war campaign ". He soon was elected president of the group, became a well-respected orator and under his leadership membership grew to 100,000. Amazingly, despite his dedication he was expelled by a radical wing of the group who later became the Weatherman Underground.
Oglesby went on to become an author, songwriter, lecturer and adjunct college professor. His memoir of The 1960's Antiwar Movement, "Ravens in the Storm " was published in 2008. He was one of the most eloquent speakers of his era.
Like so many from the "60's " he gave his blood , sweat, brains and soul to the " movement". It's amazing how many intelligent, high energy , committed individuals there were who put their lives and careers on the line every day day for what they believed in. Great stuff!

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