Saturday, December 11, 2010

Only Three More Weeks Till Year End; I promise to get all your funding requests done.

The next two weeks in the "personal injury world" are usually the busiest and most pedantic of the year. Every attorney is trying to settle [and collect fees] on as many cases as possible, their staff's are making them themselves crazy worrying about "Christmas Bonuses " and the clients care only about one thing: Getting ahold of enough money to pay their bills and enjoy their holidays.
Having practiced for over 20 years, I am keenly aware of these needs; not to mention that attorneys want to vacation with their families without "losing their best clients".
So be mentally prepared.The calls have started and will continue right up to New Year's Eve when you get that call from a client or secretary while you're hanging out in Miami Beach.
In any event , I'm fully prepared to take care of both your( and your clients' )funding needs...which I can guarantee you will go a long way towards making it a "happy holiday season for all"!
Call or contact me , any day, anytime!

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