Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mass Torts, I was doing em before they were even Fashionable.

So I'm admitted to the N.J. Bar in December 1984(wow 26 years) and New York in February 1985 . Next thing I know I'm on a plane to New Dehli, India to meet our liason counsel for the Bhopal , Union Carbide Gas Disaster Litigation. I get there, check into the Hyatt Hotel on Ring Road, and next thing I know I'm having dinner at co-counsel's house in an upscale neighborhood in Dehli.
Two days later after working out details I'm on a puddle jumper plane flying to Bhopal to visit the horrific "accident site" and then to "set up camp " there for a month to sign up thousands of plaintiffs . I'll never forget the rainy , misty night at the airport coming back from Bhopal to Dehli(like out of Casablanca) where dozens of nationally recognized "plaintiff's attorneys" waited for their planes lugging stuffed bags" full of signed retainers from victims and their families. The only difference was that I was only 25 , with less than 2 months of experience under my belt.
Upon my return to New York , I filed the first case on behalf of Shams Uddin in District Court in Manhattan. I would return shortly thereafter to India to sign up more cases.
The rest is history. This was certainly an experience which was invaluable in more ways than one.

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