Friday, December 3, 2010

It's Almost Twenty years, so I have to tell you a "war story".

This morning I suddenly realized that my dad and former partner suddenly and very prematurely passed away 20 years this upcoming March. Wow! Anyway, he was the greatest guy I ever met; animal trial lawyer, sports nut, tennis , hoops, hockey, baseball , skiing, name it. Brooklyn boy all the way.... As I always say" he taught me how to try a case, and I taught him how to settle one". I had the honor to be his partner for 5 years almost directly out of law school.
So time for a funny walk down memory lane. In or about 1987 , I signed up this case against Alan Funt and "Candid Camera " on behalf of a former actress who claims she was screwed out of her residuals because she was not a member of AFTRA. We filed in Federal Court and proceeded with discovery. I was " riding shotgun " the entire time...just holding the client's hand.
Anyway, time came to take Funt's deposition. Problem is Alan Funt lived in California and would not come to N.Y. for fear of being arrested due to a outstanding judgment on matimonial arrears. So we took our traveling show to San Francisco to take his deposition at "the Alan Funt Ranch " in Carmel. Me being the hot shot 26 year old wordly guy I was, made all the travel and hotel arrangements.[lol].
So my dad and I get to the hotel in San Francisco and go to the front desk to check in. The clerk gives us only one room key...I'm thinking that's strange. Anyway we get to the room; all pink, one bed, pink curtains...the works! Yes, yours truly checked us into a gay hotel. Never lived that one down.
The next day we took Funt's deposition, had a blast , made the case[ultimately settled] and enjoyed Carmel, San Francisco and wine country for two days. I will never, ever forget that trip!

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