Sunday, October 26, 2014

Some How, Some Way, The DOW Has Clawed Back To 16,805.....

The Dow has been   getting  pounded  for much of the volatile month of October. Down 200, down a 100.  Not pretty to say the least. Things  looked pretty grim at 16,300, at what seemed like just a few days ago.
    But right before your very eyes, you wake up Saturday morning  and the Dow has  snuck back to 16,800... Again, teetering on the promised land of 17,000.  But hey, it's only monopoly money, right? Ok, one more week to go !  Let's see.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

University of North Carolina, What Can I Say, 18 Years of Fake Classes!!!

 Cheating is everywhere in college sports. Many get caught. Many do not. Some schools , when they get caught , you kind of  shrug and say, "I 'm not surprised ".
  But when a school like UNC  is found to have engaged in a "fake" African Studies class for athletes for 18 years, to me   it's flabbergasting.  I've been a UNC hoops fan  forever, have the utmost  respect for the University and their  teams, and bango now this .  SH_T  has to be  hitting the fan internally and  via NCAA  sanctions. No ifs, ands or buts.
   In looking at this horror story, it makes you really ask two questions;
1. Did the Athletic Directors and Coaches know what was going on , and
2.  Is this practice more the rule than the  exception in college sports?
   Your thoughts?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oscar Pistorius Gets 5 Years, But It Will Seem Much More Like One To One And A Half Years!!!

  Pistorius is one very lucky guy!  He shoots his girlfriend. Is found guilty on the lowest count. Which, oh by the way carries  no minimum sentence. He gets  5  years. I'm sure in a celebrity  wing. No hard labor?
   To add icing on the cake. First offense, etc....He serves 10-20 months and the balance  will be served via house arrest/community service.  Slap on the wrist to say the least!  Still a young man when he gets out..Lets see.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Dow in Free-Fall..... What Next?

 Even Columbus Day  gave no solace to the Dow. Down another 223 points to  16,300 and change. 3rd heavy drop in the past week or two. Not a good sign , even during the volatile month of October.
  Will cooler heads prevail? Will things stabilize tomorrow and Wednesday ? Gonna be some sweaty palms starting the day  Tuesday.
    My prediction, order is restored tomorrow , with some  nice gains. We shall see!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sports In October Is Great; But Give Me Some NBA Home Cooking!!

NFL , baseball playoffs, hockey, college football. It's all good! But, I  yearn for nightly NBA hoops with my season's pass. Knicks and their new "triangle offense", Lebron and the Cavs, Kobe and  Jeremy  Lin, post-Lebron  Heat, the Bulls with  Pau and Derrick Rose back. Haven't even hardly mentioned the West.
   So while  preseason hoops has started; the real deal  begins on 10/28 !  Hey, that's just me.....
