Thursday, February 27, 2014

Arizona Governor, In No-Brainer, Vetos "Hate Bill"!

  The "anti-gay , discriminatory bill" , was just  vetoed by  the Governor. Did someone say  "Captain Obvious"?  Obviously the right move, but can  you  fathom that  this  bill even got  to  this   level?  I  wonder, are the elected representatives in Arizona truly   representing what the people of Arizona  want?  If so, this is one fu__ed  up state. If not, this is one fu__ed up legislature. Let them secede  for all I  care ! 
 Anyway, at least temporarily the ship is righted.
   Get with it Arizona  ,  you  are acting like Mississippi  in the  1960's!

    Remember and preach tolerance.....

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Love Melo; But The Knicks Don't Deserve Him !

 I  dare  you to say something negative about  Melo. Averaging 27 points per, 8 boards and 38 minutes. Plays his heart out. But in reality, except for Melo and Hardaway  Jr., the team has to be scrapped and rebuilt. There is nobody  on that team who you can consistently win with!! One of the great mysteries in life is what happened to last year's 54-28 team? (Don't have stomach to discuss Felton).
  Honestly, it would take a team  of internationally acclaimed forensic psychiatrists to figure that one out. We don't  have time here for that .  And while I respect Woodson, he  has  to be part of the purging.
  I am almost at the point where I  can not watch anymore!
   I'll tell you where I would love to start....Bring back Jeff Van Gundy.
Then get rid of Mr. Dolan....At least the offseason will be eventful......

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Harold Ramis Passes at Age 69....He Gave Us Some Classics...

Harold  Ramis  has died. Only 69!.  He was a great comic mind. Great vision...Knew not only how to make audiences laugh, but  roar. He had the knack of   making his viewers  see his movies over and over again.
  To me , the greatness of a comedy movie is judged  by how many lines you remember. Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, to name a few. In my opinion, Ramis' 2 best were Animal House and Caddy Shack. Saw each at least 20 times. Both fairly recently on the tube. Now  thirty  plus years  later, I have instantaneous  recollection  of numerous lines from  both movies. Hilarious stuff. Harold u rocked!!
  As the late great John Belushi said in Animal  House, " my advice to you  is that you start drinking heavily ". Harold here's to you.  Thanks for the laughs...God Bless!  Say hello to John up there!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Jason Collins Is Gay, So What's The Big Fuc__in Deal?

Collins, I admire you as a man..You've always had my respect as a player. You're intelligent,  tough, scrappy, set an excellent pick, box-out, rebound and play good "D'!! At 7 feet, 260 you kept yourself  in good shape and yes you can contribute 10-15 mins a game! Great teammate , classy guy!  Hey, and an extra 6 hard fouls to give.
 So everybody..Shut up about " gay this, gay that "! He's the same player and man he's always been. Get over it....

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Time Warp, 1860's; Arizona's Pending New Law Allowing Businesses To Refuse To Do Business With Gays Is Absurd!!!

 Arizona , you have got to be kidding . Your ignorant lawmakers have passed legislation which would condone  businesses'  discrimination against  gays  based on "religious beliefs" ? Did  someone say "Jim Crow"? This  homophobic new law  would  effectively  allow hatred, racism, bigotry,  discrimination and much ,  much more based on some   catch-all,  self-serving ,contrived religious belief  !!  Someone wake me from this bad dream.
  If enacted, this would  send Arizona back to the "witch-hunting days". I can see it now. I hate blacks. Religious belief. I hate Jews...Religious belief. I hate women...Religious belief. I hate gays...Religious belief..I hate Italians...Religious belief..I hate men with long hair...I'm covered, religious belief.  The Law, which has a zero chance of surviving a constitutional  challenge, is despicable and obviously flawed on its face. IT'S GOTTA GO.
  First off, every person(no matter what , must be treated equally). Secondly , religion is not a justification for hatred or discrimination. It doesn't work  that way. You can have any religious belief you want as long as it doesn't impose upon another person's "rights".Religion doesn't give you the right to hate.
Frankly,   I could  go on and on. But, there is one word that could put this whole  fiasco to rest quickly and indefinitely. VETO!!!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

NBA All-Star Game Special,...For More Than One Reason!!!

 All-Star games are usually dull. Hard to watch the whole thing.  The one game  I do  enjoy is the NBA All-Star game. "The World's  greatest pickup game "!  Sunday's game for some reason had special energy. Special karma.
 From the opening tip to the final buzzer the game was played at a frenetic pace. Slam dunks galore. Three point shooting. Dazzling passing and a final score of 163-155. I totally ate it up.
  But to me , one other thing really made it "ultra-special". Yes, Violet Palmer  became the first woman to  ref an NBA All-Star Game.
  Violet nice going!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

US Beats Russia in Shootout 4-3 ! OMG...

I  like hockey. Always have. But I   like watching hoops and football  more. But I   got to tell you one thing. There is nothing. I repeat, nothing  more  nerve-racking  or exciting than a "hockey shootout "  in a big, meaningful game.
  Today's excitement  felt like the 1980 Olympics . Of course now, the US Team is  filled with top-notch NHL talent. The  Russians of course, as well.
 So today's game ends tied. Still  tied after the  overtime. So we fast forward to the shootout. Tied after 3 shots. We go to extra's . Finally and dramatically,  TJ Oshie , who takes  the American's last 5 shots, converts in  the eighth round to win it for Team  USA !  A  "nail-biter "  extraordinaire. Oshie  converts 4-6  shots in the shootout!! Un-real. All   I  can say is ......
  USA. USA. USA..........Not even the medal rounds yet. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sid Caesar, Comic Genius Dies At Age 91!

Sid Caesar a comic genius, who reached the height of his popularity in the late 1940's and 1950's  just passed away.  Today's generation  knows little about him. But Caesar  influenced  generations of great comedians including  Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, Woody Allen and more!  In turn these great comedians have  molded and influenced thousands more. Nothing  better than laughing!
  After reading  about Caesar today,    all I have  wanted  to do is listen to my old comedy albums...
  God Bless!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Michael Sam, You Are a Brave and Strong Man! Good luck.

 So just like that history is made. Michael Sam , the All-American  defensive end from Missouri  has  come out as  "openly gay" . The  6 foot 2 inch , 260 pound   NFL  prospect  is  well spoken,  personable and  liked and respected by his teammates.  He seems to be the right man for the job... 2  questions  really  stand out though.
1. Will the NFL  teams discriminate against him  in the drafting  process?
2. Will Sam be able to handle fan, media  and "teammate  scrutiny "?
   Let's put it this way . It is not gonna be easy. Sam is gonna  have to have very, very thick skin! Jackie Robinson did   it .Can Sam?  I'm just hoping he gets drafted where he  is supposed to be drafted and that his performance is  based  only on  how he does on the field.
  And teammates. Welcome him  in ! He's a man and a football player.  Make us proud!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

SAC Capital Continuing Saga; Mathew Martoma Convicted, Now Will He Talk?

  Another one bites the dust. The Federal Prosecutors are making lunch meat out of the SAC  traders on their "Inside  Trading " Dragnet.  Martoma convicted...Conviction streak  continues.  The "transcript  alterer " is facing some serious time . First offense. Five years, 8  years? What do the guidelines say? How much will he have to forfeit?  He's gonna meet his maker..I mean  " sentencing judge "..
  Let me ask  you this.  Do you think maybe he's thinking. I mean , just  thinking about  cooperating now? What is Ms. Martoma  saying? The kids....

  Stay tuned!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Seahawks;Speed, Strength, Smarts, Athletic, Well-Coached and No Weaknesses!!

 Seattle  was so much quicker, faster, stronger and more athletic than Denver, that it was  almost hard to believe.  What they did to the "Peyton Juggernaut" could not have been expected in a thousand years. Peyton et. al looked slow, old, outclassed and discombobulated at times. I actually felt sorry for "Sir Peyton".
  But hey. The superior team won. Will Peyton come back?  I doubt he lets himself retire on such a down note. Be tough to get motivated. But that's why he's Peyton!
  Pete Carroll , you made it. Congrats to the Seahawks!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

David Stern, Job Well Done! The NBA Rocks!!!!

 Commissioner  David Stern  is  finally retiring after 30 years on the job.  His tenure ran   from  Dr J, Magic, Larry,  Michael, Scotty, the great  centers of the 80's and 90's, Shaq, Kobe, Lebron and Durant..Phil Jackson, Riley, Van Gundy  , Rudy  T and more. Lakers, Celts, Sixers,  Pistons, Bulls, Rockets,  Lakers, San Antonio and now the Heat. His numbers speak for themselves.
   Long live the NBA!!!