Monday, January 27, 2014

Melo, 62 ,Then 35, But He Aint Gonna Win A Title in New York!

  Guys I play ball  with laugh. Yes, Melo is my favorite  player to watch. I don't  know why,  since I'm a  defensive-oriented  player. It's his  quick release,  first step,  3-ball, mid-range game, taking it hard to the rim and his under-rated  strength and rebounding .  One of the  most versatile  offensive machines  of his generation. Can score from " anywhere" !
  Yes, he has some shortcomings. But has his inability to get a  ring been   because he  doesn't  make  those around him better?  Or  because he has not  had a  "championship supporting cast " ? Truthfully, probably a little of each. 
   So when  Melo opts out of his final contract year  with the Knicks, will he ultimately stay in New York  to make the most money? Or will  move to where he has the best opportunity  get that coveted ring ?
  My opinion. He leaves New York to play elsewhere.  The Knicks  are just too far away  from   even  thinking about a title. Too bad. I'm gonna miss you Melo!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's Finances Not Looking So Hot; May Have to Borrow $2 Billion From Morgan Stanley!!

Our 51st State  is up to it's eyeballs in hock. Despite having sun, fun, latin culture and great beaches, the  "Island "  is  in dire need of a cash infusion. Reports  indicate that a group led by Morgan  Stanley, may be loaning P.R. $2  billion  to stay afloat , at an  inflated interest rate of 10%. Wowee!
  Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do...Remember, they may be too big to fail.
 Seriously, if they do  the deal, I  hope they don't default.  Our 51st state may wind  up being called "Morgan-Stanleyville"!
   Buena suerte!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who Is The Geatest Rock Band of All? Beatles or Stones?

 With this being the 5oth anniversary of the Beatles coming to America, I couldn't help but pose the question. Who is the greatest rock band of all time, Beatles or Stones ? While no one can deny the everlasting impact the Beatles made in  such a short time, the Stones have been making hits for 50 fu__in years!  Incredible,unbelievable, mind-boggling, crazy!! They've stuck together, changed with the times, (lived) and continue to make hits and tour!!!
  So while I love the Fab 4, unfortunately  my vote goes to Jagger, Richards, et al.  Long live Rock N Roll......

Monday, January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King, You Were Great, But You Couldn't Have Done It Alone!!!

 Dr. Martin Luther King  was a brilliant  leader, motivator and strategist. And yes, he was the  face of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's.  Without Reverend King's leadership, it is  unclear how many more years   it would have taken to succeed.
  Often overlooked though, are all the  dedicated  individuals(black and white)  who sacrificed their safety and well-being  to be part of the movement! This was  an effort that couldn't  have succeeded without great leaders  or  the   loyal and brave  front-liners.
  MLK  Day , should  be a day to celebrate not only Reverend King, but all those  who  fought racism and hatred in the the deep south and elsewhere!.
     God Bless. It was all of your dreams!!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Carmelo 29 and 16, Knicks Win Thrilla in Garden in OT!!

Hey  5 in a row, 6 out of seven. Last 4 without Tyson Chandler.  What can you  say? Multiple contributors. Melo  a beast! So the Knicks are inching back into things. Bobcats tonight. Do not. I repeat, do not  take them lightly.
  Melo , you are fun to watch!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Ariel Sharon;Say What You Want About Him, But He Was One Tough S.O.B.!

 Sharon, one of the great , Israeli  military  commanders of all time passed away this past week after 8 years in a coma. Sharon , after a controversial , but bigger than life military career served in almost every  capacity of Government , including Prime Minister. He played a large role in every  major military conflict  and  loved his country.
  Born and raised in Israel, Sharon had  his share of detractors as well as millions who loved and respected him. He would do anything  in his power to protect his homeland!  I gotta tell you one thing.  If I'm in a battle,  bottom line is I want Sharon in my fox-hole every day of the week.

 God Bless! You'll be missed, but never forgotten.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Knicks Beat Heat at Garden, Is There Hope Afterall?

 Man, this has been a rough season for Knicks  fans. 13 and 22, even after last night. Playing in a pitiful division as well. But, watching last night's  "playoff atmosphere win"    almost erased all the bad feelings and negative karma  that the  2013-14 year had brought so far.
  So many positives last night. Melo, please don't leave us!  Amare, major contributions. Felton 13 and 14. Hardaway  Jr., gonna be a better pro than a college player! Shumpert...I know, I know. Just one win.  Let's not forget Bargnani  who contributed mightily on both ends of the floor. And I don't believe he's even played his best ball yet with the Knicks.
  So let's enjoy it and get ready for the next game.  But it was funnnnn.....

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Congrats To Martin Tankleff, State Agrees To Pay $3.3 million to Settle False Imprisionment Case!

 Martin Tankleff  has been through a lot. Through sheer determination, perseverance, help from his family and great  legal representation,  Tankleff   has  put his life back together. His conviction was  overturned. He got a job with a law firm. He married. He started and will graduate from Law School this June. Now , a $3 million  settlement will make things   a bit easier for him. 
  The case against the County of  Suffolk in Federal Court will proceed. Great story!    Did anyone say book and screenplay rights?
 Martin, good luck with the bar exam!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More Stress for SAC Partners ; Matthew Martoma Trial Begins!!

 The US Attorneys  Office  continues it's full-court press to bring down Steven A. Cohen and SAC Capital Partners .  Fresh off a conviction of Michael Steinberg, jury selection  was scheduled to start 2 days ago in  the Martoma  matter. Cohen, of course, is paying Martoma's legal bills. Well, no rest for the weary. The show must go on!
  Why Martoma hasn't cut a deal,  is beyond me. Loyalty, foolishness, omerta...Who knows.  The Government definitely has the right climate to try these cases.  Let's get ready to rumble!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Congrats to Janet Yellen, First Woman to Lead the Fed!

Fresh off  her Senate Confirmation , Janet Yellen  is poised to lead the Fed.  Stepping in to lead during tumultuous times will be a challenge for Yellen. The President showed his confidence in the appointment and I expect  her to be  up to the task.
   Good luck and  " may the force be with you"!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Where Has All The Money Gone? JP Morgannnnnn

Easy  come, easy go!  Does any phrase more aptly describe  JP  Morgan and  the big banks on Wall Street? The  New York Times reported today  that "Morgan " was very close   to reaching a settlement in the Madoff  debacle, which will include a "deferred prosecution agreement"  and a payment of about $2 billion by  the Bank. The Trustee is doing quite a job for the victims in Madoff,  I  believe now   bringing the total recouped to over $10 billion. Wow!!  Who woulda thunk?
  Meanwhile Morgan will now have paid out something in the neighborhood of $20  billion over  the last year...Mind boggling... Watch for ATM fees to go up shortly.....Only in America!

Friday, January 3, 2014

NBA; Rare Night , Knicks and Nets Both Win!

 Yes I said it.. Both the Knicks and Nets are difficult to watch..Will things drastically change? It will take an unbelievable turnaround for that to happen. And to make the playoffs ? Just can't be too optimistic.
  For one night though ,things were fun...Nets beat OKC  in OKC  on a buzzer beater...Knicks behind Carmelo, beat the Spurs in a nailbiter in San Antonio. Will these  be games each team can look back upon as changing the direction of their  seasons? Frankly, I'll let you know in a game or two...
  Happy New Yr!!