Friday, May 31, 2013

Miami Wins, Lebron Sole Remaining Member of " Big 3"!

  Yes Miami blew things open at the end of the third! Lebron was a standout. Haslem had the shooting game of his life and Miami's deep supporting cast played terrific team  "D".  Sad to say , Wade is a shell of himself.  Can't be discussed in same sentence as Scottie Pippen. Bosch has been reduced to  a  six  ten jumpshooter. Averaging all of  3 rebounds per game.
  Miami won because Indy's offense was putrid . Guards  had a combined 5 points. Bench contributed nothing and with the exception of George and Hibbert, the rest of the team couldn't hit the side of  a barn. I actually hope and think  Indy can pull it together and win game 6 at home. I know one thing...They'll be ready.
  A bigger question looms. Can Lebron , with a deep cast of good(not great) players, all  6  feet 10 or under win a championship? Spurs , are playing at a very high level.  And a further question...Is this the end of the "Big  3"?

 Stay tuned!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day to All The Active and Retired Armed Forces; You Rock! To Our Fallen, Thank You!

I  had  the honor or marching besides my youngest son who played in the school band  that participated in our local Memorial Day Parade today. I'm so proud of him.  He really gets it!
   But the real heroes, are those who have given their lives and those who continue to   put their lives  on the  line each and every  day  , to preserve and protect our freedoms and quality of life.
    Nothing. I mean nothing, compares to what you do for us!   Thank you!!

  Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Sergio Garcia Is a Racist, Nothing Else You Can Say About It!

 He said it. No  denying it. No backing off it!  Wasn't kidding. If  he said it, he had  these opinions and beliefs  all along.  Was it Tiger in particular?  Did he feel this way about all blacks. There were a million things he could have said, but he made " the fried chicken  remark" . Not even new racist material. Those bigoted references were fashionable for racists 30 years ago. Hey, fried chicken is one of my favorite foods.. Yes, and  I  love collard greens, potato salad and cornbread too. Water melon, love it! 
   So  why would Sergio  make such hateful remarks? Was he brought up that way?Did he   learn from parents, friends... What gives?  I'm a firm believer that " where there is smoke, there is fire"!  Not an isolated incident. I'm sure  those around him  know the"real Sergio Garcia "and his attitudes and feelings about blacks. Fu__in shameful!
   Sergio , look you're young. Only one thing you can do. Change.  Open up you're mind, get educated...Release the hate and start over. No way to go through life.
    Your family , friends,  fellow pros and Country are ashamed of you.  This is not how  people  act in the year 2013. Or ever!   Nothing else to say!

Your conscience speaking.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Anthony "Weiner" ; Only in America Can You Go From "Underwear-Boner Emailer" To Mayor of New York?

I  always say  that America is a very forgiving  place . Second  chances  are , and always have  been  fashionable . Hey, Anthony  Weiner(Not "Wiener " silly) is a case in  "point"!  The former Congressman who lost  the "Battle of   the Bulge " and was forced to resign  is at   it  again. Yes,  believe  it or not, despite his  "bone-head  "  emails to woman other than his wife, he may very well be the " front-runner "   to be  New York's next Mayor.
    Hey, let's be honest...His comeback is "ballsy"!  Did you see his latest  campaign photo ?  Weiner and  an assistant posing in "jockstraps " .     I  guess they're  seeking "support", from big or small  constituencies.  Evidently , Anthony is a "hardened  "  politician   who likes  being   front and center. Very big supporter of the New York City construction industry.  He backs  on-going  "erection "  of new  , large (not long you nitwit)  edifices . He's  been rock-solid  on his past campaign pledges too .  So , does he deserve a second chance  ?
   I  for one, have doubts  . Will his staff be able to look him in the......(not crotch)  the eyes and keep a straight face  . Will  his  official letterhead  contain a logo of him in  a speedo? Lot of questions to be answered.
  So let's stop dicking around and let Anthony do his thing (I mean hold his thing).  All I can say is  only in America!

  May the schlong be with you!

  Steve 'Ding Dong "  Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma Tornado: Prayers, Thoughts and Relief to The Victims!

  On behalf of my family and myself, our heartfelt  prayers and  support go  out to the victims and families of yesterday's   tragic events. Our condolences to the families of those who perished.
  God Bless.  You will rebuild!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Knicks; Woody, This is The Lineup You Need to Play! Chandler, Amare, Melo, Felton and Prigioni....

  The Knicks have been outrebounded. Can't  stop Hibbert, Hill etc. Can't score . But most disappointing, is Indiana simply wanting  it more. I am so  saddened by the Knicks not being able to will themselves to give 150%. Disgusting.
   Only heart and desire will cure that. But, to cure their offense,(Which is on life fu__in support) they have to start  Amare. They have nothing to lose. No longer can they be put in a position where 3 out of 5 guys they put on the court can't score .
  They have to be prepared to start faster. Pound the ball inside early .  Gotta go to JR. Copeland and even Novack early and often. Bottom line...If they can't score, they're gone!
   Being the ultimate optimist, I'll be watching  and  rooting my ass off...That is, as long as the effort is there!

  One game at a time..And rich fans at the Garden, wake the f__k  up. It's like a morgue in there!

Steve  "Willis " Goldman  reporting.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rangers Win, In My Opinion, Is One of The Biggest in Franchise History !!

Look, I'm not comparing it to the Cup. Or the semifinals that year. But think about it.While it was a "first-round series "; Taking into consideration the strength of the opponent, the rivalry, it being a road game, being down 3-2, coming back on no rest and  then winning Game Seven(7)  so convincingly 5-0, this   was really, really special!!  Everytime I channel-flipped to the Heat game the Rangers scored . Go figure.
    In any event , not much time to rest. Gotta get ready for the Bruins.
      Sit back and sweat. That's what the Stanley Cup Playoffs are all about.

 Steve  " Big Whistle " Goldman reporting.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Rangers-Caps; Shame Someone Has To Lose !

Rangers hang on yesterday in a game 6 thriller! Lo and behold, they're back at it again tonight in D.C. for a winner take all 7th game. Nothing like a game 7..The ultimate in pressure, intensity, drama, nerves and exhiliration ! Nail-biter for sure.(Understatement)
   These teams going at it for the second consecutive year...So evenly matched . While I've  been a Ranger fan since I'm 7 years old, it is a shame someone has to lose.

  Let's go Ran-gerssssss!!!!!!

Steve  "Blue-Line " Goldman reporting.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Don't Look Now, Mariano is 13 for 13 in Save Opportunities!

In Mariano's final season , he has answered already  one big question affirmatively. Yes, at his age , he could come back effectively from season ending surgery. The greatest  closer of all-time , is off  to perhaps his greatest start. Notoriously a slow starter, Rivera has picked up saves in 13 of the  Yanks' 20 wins...A remarkable  percentage(Lot of close games).
  With Mariano and  "Andy" , the only members of  "the core 4"  playing right now, the Bombers somehow  have played  well enough to claw out a 20-13 record! Mariano, a big  part of that.
   Wouldn't it be fitting if he retires after his greatest season ever ?

   Reporting Steve  "Casey " Goldman .

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Knicks Rout Pacers..What a Difference a Game Makes?

Melo, KMart, Prigioni  , Shumpert and Chandler  played the way we saw them all year, in last night's second half  destruction of the Pacers. Instead of the Knicks' weaknesses and Pacers' strengths being on display, it was exactly the opposite of Sunday's opener.
   Low turnovers, second chance points, solid defense and timely 3 -point shooting was the receipe!  So we have a series.
  See you Saturday night prime time on ABC in Indy.

  Let's go Knicks!

Steve " Red Holzman " Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

For a Moment Dow Goes Over 15,000!

It was not a mirage..For a brief moment the  Dow went into unchartered territory, ...15,000! Then it dipped down to  14,985.
  Be interesting to see where it ends up today  .

  Steve "Adam Smith " Goldman reporting.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Chinese "Erecting " a 150 Meter High Building in Beijing Shaped Like a Penis! Very "Heady" Idea....

Yes, ladies and  gentleman. The Chinese architects are at it again. Remember the rich history of Chinese architectural  wonders  including "The Great Wall", Suzhou Gardens,  The Confucius Temple, Ruins of St. Paul's , Bank  of China  Tower, The Bund   and Forbidden City.
   And now , perhaps  their greatest   achievement .  Construction of a 150 meter building shaped like a "Giant  Penis " , designed  by "Long Dong ", a well-known  architect in Beijing. I understand that   the  development is "coming " along nicely and  currently they are working on the   elevator "shaft " .  This certainly is one of Dong's ballsiest ventures .
   It's risky too. You  never know if  " erectile dysfunction " could   bring this job to a grinding halt.  I hear the engineers  are  concerned about contraction(shrinkage) and expansion (don't say it!) during the cold and hot weather .  Go figure .
   Anyway,  I  wish them  luck in   reaching their "climax " on schedule  .  When completed, I'm sure it will be the "envy " of all Chinese men . Thank you Mr. Dong!

  Reporting  Steve  "Dr. Ruth " Goldman.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Congrats To Mark Jackson and The Warriors,,,Job Well Done!

Warriors beat Denver in 6! I can tell you  that  I am  pleasantly surprised. Yes , Denver was without Gallo. Warriors without David Lee . Andrew Bogut came up huge. Very underrated. More talented and agile  (when healthy) than you would think. Curry, Thompson, wow!  I  really  thought Denver was too athletic.
  So  what's next? Only the Spurs .
    Looking forward to it. So are the networks!

  Steve Goldman reporting.