Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Whistleblowers; I Got an Idea, Work For a Crimininal Enterprise, Turn Everybody In and Collect $104 Million..Easy As 1,2,3!

Ok, ready for your next "get rich quick scheme"? Here's how it goes . Get a job at "well-established bank ", imbed yourself in the bank's business of hiding assets from the IRS, turn yourself in, rat out everyone under the sun and collect a $104 million reward. Not bad right?
Well that's exactly what Bradley Birkenfeld, the former UBS banker did. Birkenfeld received a 40 month prision sentence and has now been released to home confinement . Let's put it this way. After paying his attorneys he should net about $70 million. Not bad for an unemployed criminal, former banker. Will certainly change his life.
And who said crime doesn't pay !

Legal analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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