Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Selma Alabama, Rebuilding a Monument of The Ku Klux Klan's First Grand Wizard, Get a Fuc_n Grip On Yourself!

Monuments have gotten a lot of play in the media recently . Penn State did the right thing and tore  down the Paterno Statue in "Happy   Valley". I  always considered that monuments should be erected  in honor of great people, like  Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson,  Martin Luther  King and JFK.
   So what in God's name was  Selma, Alabama thinking when it  decided  to rebuild the monument of Nathan Bedford  Forrest, a Civil War General and first Grand Wizard of the KKK?   Are they intentionally trying to be stupid, ignorant, racist, bigoted  and insensitive all in one fell swoop ? Apparently  so! Remember this is 2012, not 1812.
  Anyway, I got an idea . Let them rebuild it and erect it. Then in an official ceremony  provide all the townspeople with axes and picks , and let  them tear it down piece by piece  signifying  the death  of  bigotry, racism and hatred in Alabama.  MLK  would be proud.   Now, that's an idea!

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