Monday, September 3, 2012

A-Rod Returns; Still Not Enough For the Yanks! Lose 4-3 to Rays.

A-Rod returned to the lineup today. Hopefully, he'll regain the form of "A-Rod of old"! They badly need his right-hand bat. If you look at the Yankees carefully, it's almost a miracle that they're still clinging to first place. Mo out. A-Rod was out. Andy out. Tex out on and off .Granderson has been out. Joba out . Need I go on? Shaky starting pitching . Granderson and Ibanez batting in the .230's . Russell Martin still on the "interstate ". They've lived and barely survived on the long ball this year. But right now they're hanging on by a thread.
The moon, stars and planets will really have to line up perfectly for the Yanks to even get into the playoffs(less than 30 games left) , let alone make a run!
Well, I can say one thing. There will definitely be a lot of meaningful Yankee games played in September. Enjoy things , while we sweat it out!
Happy Labor Day!

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