Friday, September 26, 2014

Jeter's Final Home Game Was Simply Magical!!

 Watched from about the sixth inning on last night. The cheers, tension, emotions  and chants  continued to intensify inning by inning. Then, in a  series of events, that could only be scripted in Hollywood,  the  Yanks blow a 5-2 ninth inning lead  and the game is knotted 5 all.
  Who is scheduled  to bat  3rd in the bottom of the 9th. Yes, Mr. Jeter.  So  in classic Jeter   drama,  he uses the patented inside-out Jeter swing and knocks in the game winner, walkoff style.
  From there, things just let loose!!  Happy Ending for sure  ....

  Thanks for the memories  Captain!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Grand Jury In Ontario County Does Not Indict Tony Stewart !

 In what has been a  heartbreaking loss  for the Ward family  and a   very difficult  time for Tony  Stewart, the possibility of   an indictment and criminal prosecution came to an end yesterday .  Must have been quite a relief for Stewart, who has to relive the events every single  day .
  So while this phase of the process is over,  expect the filing of a civil suit against  Stewart  as soon as  an Estate representative is named for Ward. I also expect  you'll see a quick resolution to that case with a seven figure payout by Stewart's insurance carrier.
  Very dangerous sport!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Even Maurice Greenberg Is Using Litigation Funding To Pay Legal Fees In Lawsuit Against US Government in Bailout Case!!

Maurice Greenberg is 89, still lifts weights and is going strong.  His case , brought  on behalf of AIG  aggrieved shareholders against  the USA,  finally  comes to trial next week in Wash D.C.  A  lot of $ at stake.  Mr. Greenberg  has pulled another rabbit out of  his hat. To  ease the suffocating cost of his army of attorneys, Mr.  Greenberg  has turned to prominent Wall  Street titans to  fund his  legal fees. Of course, he'll have to give up a piece of the action. But hey, he's hedging his bets.
  Look, no one even expected this case to make it to trial. So  now, anything can happen. Should be terrific trial!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Adrian Peterson;Vikings Make Tough, But Correct Call in Deactivating Him....

 Another NFL  firestorm. Another issue that the teams and the  League were unprepared for. Why would they be?  They have TV ratings to be concerned with.  :)   What's a little domestic violence and alleged child abuse in the big scheme of things? Well , I  can guarantee  you this.  These  volatile issues will no longer fly under the  radar  . They are out  now , front and center.  The NFL  is  apparently  having a reality check. Gay player, domestic violence and child abuse issues all in one calendar year!  Believe it or not. These issues are actually more relevant that "Quarterback ratings".
   So having said that. I'm pleased that the Vikings looked at the big picture and deactivated one of the greatest running backs of all time.  Now, we have to let the Texas legal system play out. Peterson does  have  one big thing going for him. Yes, attorney Rusty Hardin.  Stay tuned.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ray Rice Incident Has Set Off A Wave of Positive Action On "Domestic Violence "!

  This  morning while we were getting the kids breakfast, Robin Givens was on one of the morning shows  talking about domestic violence. Yes, 20 years  plus removed from her acrimonious relationship with Tyson. But you know what, she lived and experienced the hell. Nobody can describe or recount the horror  more meaningfully than a   "victim".
  All  over the world woman are speaking out like never before . Unbelievable courage to do so. Why has it taken so long ?   Society as a whole must adopt  a  zero tolerance attitude to domestic violence. Men must speak out for woman and woman for themselves. This is only the beginning.....Don't allow it exist!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Believe It Or Not, Oscar Pistorius Will Not Be Convicted of Murder!!

  In  a  mind-blowing decision ,  the  Presiding  Judge in the Pistorius  murder  trial has indicated she will not convict  him of the two most serious murder charges. While a formal decision is due today, the Judge indicated that  the Prosecution  has  not met it's burden of proof.
   She did seem to foreshadow  that  the  "Blade  Runner " would be convicted of "negligent  homicide", a far lesser charge.  The lesser charge carries,  I believe a five year max sentence, as opposed to 25  years for premeditated murder. The  preliminary rulings I'm sure have sent shock waves through South Africa .

  Let's wait for the verdict today!!  Crazy stuff....

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Judge Throws The Book at SAC Trader, Matthew Martoma; He Gets 9 Years!!!

 The message has been delivered. When you engage in high-stakes, insider trading and get  caught. You're going to pay with real hard time. That's exactly what happened in  the case in the matter at bar. The Presiding Judge in one of the harshest insider  trading  sentences,  imposed a 9 year sentence on Martoma. Probably will do six, then dig up the  cash in  his backyard buried by an unindicted  good samaritan.
  Matthew, you played with fire and got burned!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Serena Wins Open Again! Joins Exclusive Company !

Serena wins #18..Overpowering, blowout, tennis clinic, never in doubt. These are  all   perfect descriptions of Serena's performance  yesterday ! With the win she joins Chris Evert and Martina with 18 singles  Grand Slam wins. Still four back of Steffi who won 22. Steffi actually lost 9 times  in Grand Slam finals.
  Serena still has time, desire  and  the will.  My opinion, she gets 22!   Men tonight....