Monday, April 29, 2013

Saudi Arabia, Get A Grip, If You're Going to Deport Guys That Are Too Handsome, What The Heck Are You Gonna Do With "Ugly People "?

 This has got to be a  first ever!  The Saudi's allegedly deported three guys for being " too handsome". Yes, you heard correctly ....too good -looking. Supposedly, this was done to protect  the Saudi Woman who  may  not be able to control themselves....Almost like the crazed Beatles fans in the  late 1960's and early 1970's. " Ladies, this was done for your own protection, don't worry".
    So will this start a Saudi trend? Good looking  is  out , ugly is in .  If you want to protect your immigration status, get ugly! Real uglllly.....  I  can picture  the next  Immigration hearing before a three-judge panel  of Eunuchs . Let's vote. "Is he too handsome? " Judge 1-yes .  Judge 2, he's handsome , but not handsome enough to be  deported. Judge 3 ," Let's go to the tiebreaker . Pull down your pants. Section 3, subdivision 2 of the Local Immigration Code says  Deportation  Deadlocks can only be  broken by  measuring  schlong size !  "
  Judge 3-"Oh,  I  see.  Well  I   have no choice ..You can  stay. You just qualified  under the 2-inch exception. But remember we'll be watching. And think ugly and small !"

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Is That the Lone Ranger and Tonto? No, no, It's Melo and JR!

  The  way these two are playing is beyond crazy!  Two guys playing at the top of their games, who are among the best in creating and  executing their own shots. Did you see Smith's 35 foot jumper at the end of the first half? I'll tell you what. He believed he could make that shot...Unlimited range . Melo, another 34 points last night. Stellar  team  " D" in the second half.
  So how far can the "dynamic duo" take the Knicks in the post-season?  I think through the first two rounds. Miami? Well we have a ways to go before we're there!  All I  can say is  fun stuff.

  Steve "Clyde "Goldman reporting.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Said It Once, I'll Say It a Thousand Times, There Is Nothing Like the NBA Playoffs!

Ok, I  watched  the first 6 games yesterday and today! Knicks-Celts, excellent game. Garden rocking, with a capital R. Denver game comes down to last shot  by Andre Miller . Nets  dismantle the Bulls and the Clippers  too much for the  Grizzlies. And that was only yesterday .
  Just finished watching Pacers-Hawks and Spurs-Lakers. Two more tonight !  Just think, potentially  50 more first round games and 2 months of  nightly "hoop dreams". Does it possibly get any better?
   Enjoy it . And of course, I do miss Kobe!
      Lets go Knicks. Lets go Knicks!

  Steve "Red" Goldman reporting.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Two Major Figures Pass; Both Provided Great Memories to Me!

Jonathan Winters , age 87, and  Pat Summerall (82)  both passed this week. Winters, one of the great improv comedians of all-time , and Summerall  a long-time NFL  broadcaster were both deeply ingrained in my youth ...and beyond.
   I remember Summerall, long before he teamed up with Madden, announcing  NFL  games on channel 2 with Tom Brookshier and Irv Cross as the sideline reporter , He was an institution . I probably watched every game  he broadcasted over about a 7-8 year period. Cowboys, Browns, Packers and Colts. Real NFL football!  He will be missed.
   And who could forget my main man, Jonathan Winters!  I   grew up listening to comedy albums, over and over. Winters, Don Rickles, David Klein, Bill Cosby, Flip Wilson, Buddy Hackett, George Carlin and more. Winters , was so hysterical he would make you cry. Did someone say Maude Frickett? Hefty  Trash Bags? I still have his "Wacky World of Jonathan Winters " album. Gonna try to dig it out and play it!  He was an inspiration to generations of young comedians.
  Pat, Jonathan  , God Bless. You will be missed, but not forgotten.

  Steve Goldman reporting,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Tragedy

 I want to sincerely express my condolences and heartfelt prayers and thoughts to the  victims and families of this senseless, brutal, cowardly act!  Be strong   and get well  soon!

   And to Boston, you will recover 100 %!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Dow Jones at 14,842....Next Stop 15,000 ?

What can you  say as the Dow continues to climb Mount Everest at a "record pace" ?  Nothing the "index  " does now surprises me. 11,000 was a big deal. Then 12,000! Then 13,000..Then the "Impossible Dream "...Yes, 14,000!  So two years ago, if you asked me if  15,000 was  reachable. I would have called  you a dreamer.
  But as Emmitt  Smith said in his Hall of Fame  induction speech ; "A dream is a dream, until it's written down on paper. Then it's a goal"!  In that case  , write it down. 15,000  is next!

Wall Street analyst  Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lakers Win, Jazz Lose ! Things Really Getting Interesting...

 Down to the last 4 games...Will the Lakers sneak in? Sneak, being the key word here. OKC did Kobe and Co. a favor last night, knocking off  Utah . Kobe was a beast last night. 30 points, 6 boards, 6 assists and 5 steals. Not bad for an old man! I love the guy.
    Hey, one important thing to keep in mind when watching the next  4 games...There are no easy games. "On any given night...."

  Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

North Carolina Seeking to Establish A State Religion ; Did You Guys Ever Hear of Separation of Church and State? Duh

Michael  Jordan's  home state ,North Carolina is starting to worry me.  The latest  ridiculous proposal by it's Republican-controlled State  Legislature, is to establish  a State  Religion . Yes, you heard it! Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this violate  the Establishment  Clause , the First Amendment to the Constitution and  the long-ingrained  doctrine of " Separation of  Church and State "? Of course it does, no ifs, ands or buts.
   Why in the name of "free religion " would a civilized state ,(ok semi-civilized, sorry) in the greatest country in the World want to do this ? Would the next step be to  deny domicile to anyone  who doesn't  practice  the "state sanctioned religion '? Will there be "door to door searches and inspections" ? Will there be interrogation by zealous state officials ? Did someone say witch hunt? Will people have to lie about their faith  so they won't lose their homes ? Will non -believers have to drive "around  North Carolina " to avoid arrest and detention ? Hey, just elect the KKK  Grand Wizard into office next. Don't make me puke!
   The idea is obviously the  invention of some warped minds with too much time on their hands....Yes I said it! Cause it's fu__in true! And these idiots believe they're right(Republicans) and righteous.  Look, this is all I can say . If , under some absurd set of circumstances, this  law is enacted, I hope the  US Department of Justice won't waste one second  heading into Federal Court to strike it down ! Will be a cakewalk.

  Steve  'Thomas Jefferson" Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is Steven A. Cohen, "the Teflon Hedge Fund Manager"?

They've been after him for a while. Civil enforement action against SAC  Capital Advisers. Indictments, criminal investigations and   pleas from several SAC  employees  . Just this past weekend , the arrest of  long-time SAC employee , Michael Steinberg . Steinberg is being charged with insider trading  in  shares of Dell  and  Nvidia.  Looks like a tough case on it's face.
  The Government may have to show 4 or 5 links in the "insider-trading  chain" to convict Steinberg . Not easy, but usually if the Feds want you bad enough, they'll find a way to get you.  Or simply to ruin your life and bankrupt you.
  But , at the end of the day this is not about Steinberg or  any other "SAC employee "  who has been pursued. It's all about Steven A. Cohen, who sits atop his Connecticut Kingdom  . The Feds have decided he did something wrong and will not rest until they  compile enough evidence to indict him or drive him out of business....Or both!
   So who will will have more staying power? The  US Government or "the multi-billionaire " with his army of lawyers ? Good question.
  In the meantime, business as usual for Cohen who just dropped $100 million on artwork and a cool $ 60 mill on a Hampton's property.
  And the beat goes on......