Sunday, November 18, 2012

Obama In Bangkok, I Bet The Secret Service "Advance Team " Is Having Fun!

 It was not too long ago that Obama's  Secret Service  "advance  team " was involved  in "hookergate " in Colombia  . I guess they had  too much time on their hands  , We'll  I alluded  to the possibilty  of a Bangkok  trip and  how   it could really  be great   reality  TV,  "Agents  Gone Wild "!
   Well lo and behold, The President and his  entourage  are on an Asia  "swing" and  just spent a day or so in Bangkok;  arguably the Happy Ending capital of the World.  I wonder if the  Security Detail had to take a vow of celibacy . How much time off did  they have there? What is the exchange rate ? Do they take Visa? Don't you think these thoughts have crossed the minds of all  the travelling Secret Service(Not Escort Service you ninny!) Agents?
  I'm sure the security detail will be on their best behavior and will   act professionally at all times on the trip.(Professional being the key word here). I  suppose  the  Agents will not even  be  able  to  sample  the local  delicacies other than an "all you can eat" Thai buffet. Too bad.

  Oh well, there's always Cartegena again next year. Happy Thanksgiving.

   Steve Goldman reporting.

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