Monday, January 17, 2011

New York Times Story of 1/17/2011; Nothing to get excited about.

All morning today I received texts , calls and emails; "Did you see the front page story in the New York Times"? Well of course I saw it , I've been reading the" Times" every day since 1981.
Now ask me what I thought about the story......Boringggggg. Litigation funding has been around for 15-20 years, hundreds of thousands of transactions have been completed, needy clients [with nowhere else to turn] have been helped, attorneys' who otherwise couldn't afford to bring important, history-making litigation have been funded, Attorney General's have implemented rules and regulations for the industry and now I'm supposed to get excited by a story published by the New York Times which is basically "yesterday's news". Give me a break!
Like any industry or profession, litigation funding has "bad apples". Does that mean the whole industry is rotten? Because there are thiefs on Wall Street , does that mean the entire industry is crooked? Well you get the point.
Litigation funding is an industry which, for the most part is run by good , reputable companies and sound business people.
It is a business like no other; If you can maneuver through the risks of litigation and other headaches, you will be rewarded with nice returns. I won't bore you with the multitude of potential problems civil litigation possesses...Suffice to say, not many cases are "pure slam dunks".

At the end of the day litigation funding serves it's purpose. It provides an outlet for thousands of people without credit, without work and who have suffered disabling injuries and have nowhere else to turn to seek funds to feed and support their families. Many of the " bad funding deals" these people get involved in occur for one simple reason...The plaintiffs and their attorneys are either in too big a rush, too lazy or don't take the extra time to "price shop " to secure the most reasonable deal.
If you contact me, you will never be disappointed by the non-compounding monthly rate I will secure for you. Just take your time , we will get it done for you.

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