Thursday, January 6, 2011

Law office technology; You want to make life easy on yourself?

I have to chuckle sometimes when I deal with a law office who doesn't have one of the following;
1. Scanner,
2. voice mail,
3. email ,
4. A color copier or scanner, or
5. Remote access to your desk top and office "network".

Let alone an E-fax.

It's 2011 for God's sake!

Then an attorney tells you he doesn't have a blackberry or"smart phone ". Did someone say "stone age'? I guess if you don't want to be reached, you won't be....

All of the above are needed to stay on top of the steady stream of daily communications and information. No ifs, ands or buts.

Plus, to get more quality time at home you gotta have a computer, printer, fax and copier...Not a huge investment,...but it will give you the ability to go home but still be able to take care of business while home.

I'm not talking Silicon Valley here; just bare bones basics....You can do it!

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