Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mike McCallister; May you rest in Peace.

The recent passing of Mike has truly shaken the "entire New York "personal injury world" from the plaintiff's bar, to defense bar, to judges and carriers alike. Mike through extraordinary personal skills, honed his craft for 17 years and simply became "the go to guy". No ifs, ands or buts.. he was so respected and well-recognized, that when someone was going to mediate, you would just ask him or her..."are you using Mike "?
While we all know he was at the top of his craft, with three month delays to mediate with him...Mike was an a even better person. I knew Mike since the late 1980's, followed his career and sat with him hundreds of times in the back room on the first floor of 80 Centre Street.He would always be holding those cards...and would gruffly say "why don't you step outside".
He was a devoted husband, father and colleague. At the same time Mike could be gruff, funny, caring, understanding or no nonsense; But he was always honest! In his profession he was who he was because of his credibility, judgment and "street smarts".
Yes, Mike always had those "street smarts". You couldn't B.S. him, pull the wool over his eyes or con him. Likewise, he wouldn't try to bull__it you. He talked like the regular guy he was...never talked down to you or up to you. He talked to you! If you wanted to talk law, sports, current events or whatever, he would not be shy with his opinions. I always felt good after mediating with Mike, settling or otherwise. Even though I would be jumping up and down demanding to pick a jury that moment. I loved him. Everybody felt this way.
So while we mourn his premature passing, let's remember and cherish the time we spent with him and whatever we were fortunate enough to have learned from him.
To say he will be missed is a a vast understatement. God bless!

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