Saturday, June 26, 2010

Verdict Searches, A Funder's Best Friend.

I am more on top of the "law" now as a funder than I ever was when practicing law. My daily reading includes The N.Y Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Law Journal , Labor Law Updates and The New York and National Verdict Alerts. But perhaps the best source at my disposal is a good old verdict search.
Depending upon the situation, a verdict search[i.e, lumbar laminectomy] can be extremely persuasive when attempting to convince "an investor" or company to fund a case. The range of verdicts and settlements at the time of trial simply do not lie.
Similarly, a verdict search can be a plaintiff's lawyer's best friend too. They can be used in several situations;
1. Showing a client the value of a case;
2. Demonstrating to a client that the settlement being offered is "right in line" with settlements-verdicts for similar injuries in similar venues and
3. Even educating a carrier, Judge or mediator of the value of a case. Great stuff!
All for about $1,100 per year.

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