Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Medicare, It's Killing Me!

Remember the days when you would settle a case on a Monday with Allstate on Emmons Avenue, Brooklyn for $75,000. You would immediately have the client in, sign the release and your messenger would take the closing papers to Allstate and pick up the settlement draft "all in one fell swoop". Usually just in time to make Friday's payroll. Well those were the "good old days"; but no more.
With all the craziness and uncertainty surrounding the Medicare Law, settlements traditionally taking 21 days(see CPLR SEC. 5003(a)} now are taking 3-6 months or more for payment. It is obvious what the delays are doing to attoreys' otherwise strapped cash-flow. Killing it, that's what ! There is certainly no shame in requesting funding if this type of situation arises. Infants comps, death comps and supplemental needs trusts also can be devastating to "cash-flow".
So if a situation arises where your really strapped for operating funds, contact me and we'll explore some reasonable options to assist you.

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