Sunday, June 20, 2010

Funding; To Be or Not to Be, That is The Question.

Let's be honest, whenyou learn of a client's funding request or desire to get funding, the following things immediately run through your mind:
1. I am up to my eyeballs in work[pressure]; I don't have time for this cra........
2. What ripoff company, who knows nothing about litigation will I have to deal with ?
3. By the time this case gets to trial the client will owe so much $ that I will be forced into a two week trial;
4. No, I couldn;t care less if this loser client substitutes me;
5. This client doesn't need the money; he's back to work.... or
6. I'll get to it when I get to it!
But then there are situations where a funder[like me ] can be your best friend and ally; providing low cost funding, in a painless-good natured way with 24/7 support and assistance for the following important funding situations;
a. A top client in your office who susained a fractured femur [orif] in an accident involving a collasping scaffold needs $ asap to avoid foreclosure;
b. Driver hit in the rear by a tractor trailor needs 50k to pay for a lumbar fusion[yes no-fault denied];
c. You have a 325k offer on a case that you believe will settle for 600k, but the client is chomping at the bit to take the offer.You need funding to keep him going;
d. Case settles for 900k; Def't carrier in liquidation; Both you and client need an advance,
e. Case coming up for trial. It will cost 40k to try it....yup, funding available........
Because of my understanding of the business , accessability and ability to provide low cost funding I can make your funding experience a positive one!
Love to hear from you.

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