Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy and Healthy New Year To All!!

 As we approach 2014, I just wanted to thank my customers for their confidence, trust, integrity and loyalty!  You're a great bunch of attorneys... I   wish you health , happiness and of course big settlements, verdicts and  "plenty of coverage"!
  All the best. Thank you.


Monday, December 30, 2013

SAC Capital, Michael Steinberg's Conviction, There Goes Another Chink In The Armor !!

  Here's the latest  in the continuing SAC  Capital Partners'  saga.  Michael Steinberg faints in open Court and then is  convicted by the sitting jury. Faces some serious time. Wonder what wink , wink deal he has going? Anyway, Oz has  to be feeling a bit dismayed. Guilty pleas galore, all  outside clients' money gone, layoffs, Steinberg's conviction, legal bills up the wazoo, a $1.2 billion  fine  and  Matthew Martoma  is  still lurking out there. Mr.  Cohen  is not home free yet.....Hey, he still may even  have to sell some more fu___in  Monets, Manets and Picassos. 
    It's not over till it's  over...

  Happy New Year!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Peyton Breaks Brady's Record, Is He The Greatest Ever?

  Wow, Peyton  gets better, more efficent, crazier with age...51 TD's!  Say it..So I guess  he wasn't finished?  A situation that  worked out brilliantly for the  Colts and Broncos. So is he the best ? Starr, Unitas, Marino, Montana, Brady, Bradshaw, Elway, Favre ?  Did  I miss  anyone? I'm sure ...Aikman, 3 rings , Tarkenton...Y.A.  Tittle , Sid Luckman?
  So at the end of the day, where does he rank? My opinion. Right now , top 5! If he wins another ring, I would say the "greatest  ever"! Need multiple superbowl rings to qualify...
  Your thoughts?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy Holidays to All!

 I wanted to take this opportunity to wish a  Happy Holiday to all my friends, customers and family!  Enjoy...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Yankees, Thank You For Spending Again...I Personally Appreciate It!

As a  Yankee  fan since before Reggie, I'd like to think I've seen a lot. Down years, then the  late 1970's through early 80's. The drought until 1996. And  then one of the greatest runs in baseball history  from 1996 through 2012.  Yankee fans  are simply put, spoiled!
  So last year with everyone hurt , and very little of anything  happening , they won 85 games and missed the playoffs. To their credit, with Soriano playing out of his mind they actually made  August and September interesting. Man, I hope they sign Soriano.
  So  during this offseason with the Knicks and Nets tanking so far, the Yanks  free agent signings of McCann, Ellsbury  and Beltran have already made things interesting. Yes,  a lot of question marks still. But these are guys you want  to watch every day. Personally, I didn't feel that Cano, an awesome hitter, but not a 40 homer 130 rbi  guy, was worth $200  million. I do wish him well and will root for him.
  As for the Yanks....Don't stop now!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela Gave 27 Years of His Life to Destroy Apartheid...Nothing More to Say!

Everyone has and will have an opinion  of Mandela. Just look at the internet today. Mandela sacrificed  nearly  30 years of his life(family) to  fight a racist, brutal, inhumane system. In my opinion, he's Abe Lincoln, JFK  and Martin Luther King Jr. all rolled into one. Read his biography..You'll have nothing but admiration and respect for him. Awe is more like it.
  Nelson, I won't go on. The World is mourning  you and singing the highest  praise about you. To your  family, my condolences. To you, God Bless....You did it!
  Rest in Peace.