Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr; I Have a Dream, Perhaps One of The Greatest American Speeches of All-Time!

August 28th 1963, in Washington D.C., MLK Jr. delivered one of the  most important speeches ever in front of a million people . It was not just what he said, but how he delivered the words , on the biggest day of his life.
  Today, marks the 50th anniversary of that speech. A day and era we will never forget!

  God bless Dr. King!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

End of August; No Shortage of Sports Action!

Hey, do you love watching , following sports ? Well, then you're in luck!  College football starting, NFL  and the continuing Jets  saga. Jeter is back. A-Rod hit his 650th homer. The US Open started yesterday...Venus had an impressive win. Baseball , tennis and football, every day...every night! I love it!
   Remember, don't  forget  to lace up your own sneaks! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Don't Look Now; Yanks Only 5 Back in Loss Column !

 The rejuvinated Yankees. Winnners of 4 straight...10 out of their last 13. Everyone contributing. Last night with things looking bleak against R.A. Dickey and his dancing knuckleball, Soriano does it again. Mo gets the save.  With 36 to play...We're in it!
  Complete change in the feeling around the team too. You get the vibes that they  believe now that they can mount comebacks and  win close games! I'm actually looking forward to games again.

Stay tuned 1:05 today...Weather permitting.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Yanks-Sox: Felt Like Old Times !

First of all , I'm thrilled  that  the Yanks  are playing  meaningful, playoff  type games in August. Great stuff! Secondly, Cano, Soriano and ARod....The new  "big 3"!  And then last night, high drama at  Fenway in the nationally televised " rubber match", that lasted for 4 hours in typical Yankee-Boston lore.
   A-Rod gets plunked. Girardi goes ballistic and is tossed ! A-Rod  retaliates with a mammoth  shot  to the center field bleachers. Yanks erase a 6-3 deficit and hold on in the ninth with Mariano.  8 million New Yorkers collectively holding their breath. Woo hoo!
   Oh, and I almost forgot.. They also picked up a game....Jeter, where are you?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Judge Scheindlin to NYC; Current Stop and Frisk Policy Is Unconstitutional!

  Federal Court Judge Shira   Scheindlin  just sent  a strong message to Mayor Bloomberg and NYC....Your  current policy is  racially motivated  and thus unconstitutional!  In  her decision, the Presiding Judge  did not go  as far as scrapping the entire policy,  but did appoint a  monitor to analyze, oversee and  revamp the City's  policy. The Court found overwhelming evidence that a disproportionate number of those stopped and frisked were  male, African-Americans and Latinos. Mayor Bloomberg has vowed to continue an appellate fight...Which most certainly will be  a "losing battle".
   For now, all I can say is Judge Scheindlin, you rock!

  Steve "Clarence Darrow " Goldman reporting.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

How Many Years Do You Have To Go Back to See Yanks at 57-56 After 113 Games?

Age, injuries, no power, no-names  and  more injuries...That about sums up the Yankees 2013 year to date. A-Rod  distractions, Sabathia and Hughes having terrible years. The Captain on the DL again. Tough to watch..Even Cano is in the .280's. You would probably have to go back 19 or 20 years to see the Yanks with a worse record after 113 games. Can't get worse!  Amazingly they're only 7 back in the Wild Card race.
 Well, A-Rod is back, Granderson is back.  Jeter will be back in 2 weeks and maybe they'll  make a push.
   Hey, 49 games is  still one-third of the year. At least the NFL is around the corner.

  Steve "Casey" Goldman reporting.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tiger Shoots a 61 at Bridgestone.....What Can You Compare That To?

Yesterday Tiger shot a 61 in the  2nd round of the Bridgestone  to pull away from the field with a 7 shot lead. As he  reached the tee on the 15th hole he was flirting with the lowest score(59) ever recorded In a PGA  Event. It is noteworthy that  his  score  tied his lowest PGA  score ever.
   So to to put things in perspective, what can we  equate shooting a 61 in golf  in a PGA Event  to  accomplishments  in other major  sports? For  instance is it comparable  to scoring 60 points in an NBA game?  Or a quarterback  passing for 500 yards in an NFL game?  A  baseball player  hitting 4 home runs in a game A hockey  player scoring   5 goals in a game ? The comparisons can go on and on.
   All I  can tell you is for one day , Tiger was Tiger! Let's see if  he can keep the momentum rolling.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Terrence Jones, What the Fu_k Were You Thinking..............?

Every day you can scratch your head a million times  trying to  reconcile in your mind why people do  the things they do.  Yesterday, Terrence Jones , a 21 year old forward with the Houston Rockets (NBA) was arrested for stomping on the body of a  homeless man in Portland, Oregon. Why? Was he having a bad day?  Did he feel threatened or harassed?  Is he angry? Did he think no one would notice?
   I don't know the answer ...Only Jones does. Not right!  Not good.   Look ,the Rockets are a class organization and I'm sure they will tackle this issue head on. Thank God there were no reported "serious injuries" .
   The way I see it, is that Jones is still an immature kid with some anger issues. Let him get help now!  He'll have plenty of time to right the ship.
   In the meantime...A charitable contribution and community service with Portland's homeless population would be a great start.   Oh, and of course a great big, "I'm sorry"! 

P.S. Unfortunately, for Jones, a lawsuit to follow is inevitable. This is, afterall  America.....