Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Jack Klugman Passes at Age 90; If You Didn't Love "Oscar and Felix ", Well Then What Can I Say?

 My  two  favorite TV  shows of all-time  are  "Get  Smart "  and   "The   Odd  Couple  ". Jack  Klugman who played Oscar  , the sportswriter who was a lovable  slob, gambler  and who loved  "the ladies " just died at age 90 . He was awesome!  I'm not sure  what  it was, the sports,  the poker games , the girls or  the whole  New York bachelor thing  ...but he  was the man  .
     Classic characters  on the show . Murray  the Cop .  The Pigeon Sisters  . Felix . The  players at the poker game  . My favorite  "schtick" was when Oscar's phone rang in his bedroom , and he would calmly go through all the clutter, garbage and clothes strewn about to find it  . I wanted to be  Oscar . 
  He later starred on Quincy and  appeared in dozens and dozens of other shows.
    Long live  "Oscar Madison"!

    God Bless.

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