Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush, The Mulberry Bush....HSBC Pays $1.9 Billion Fine to U.S.!

Here we go again!  HSBC  caught red-handed laundering  money (a lot of it) for nations/entities under United States  Sanctions. This reminds me of the movie,"Catch Me If You Can ". Big banks are the worst of the worst. Rate rigging, money laundering, toxic mortgage backed-securities, betting against their customers' positions and plenty more.
   So  what do our  Regulatory Agencies do?  Pull their license  ?  Shut them down? Restrict their business ? Of course not. They simply  hit em with what appears to be a huge fine or penalty to "John Q Public" , and business(I mean monkey business) goes on as usual.
   It's simply a license to break the law. Laughable!    Your thoughts.

   Wall Street analyst, S.F. Goldman the 3rd reporting.

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