Friday, August 29, 2014

US Open; CiCi Bellis, Hottest Ticket in Town!

  What a show!  What a  scene!  Fans crazed. Who cares about Andy Murray and the rest ?  We just want to see CiCi. And yesterday , 2800 lucky fans did watch (and cheer and yell and scream)  the 15 year old phenom live. Quite a match!  Three setter, with CiCi  kind of "falling apart " in the 3rd.
  Great  2 matches for her. Tremendous experience,  and for her, I believe the sky is the limit. Will she  reach the heights of Evert, Graf,  Hingis, Austin , Rinaldi  and other teenage phenoms? Only time will tell.
   Fun stuff!!!!  Federer and Venus  tonight !

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

US Open; I'm Loving It!!

Tennis, twelve hours a day  . Live coverage. Wild cards. New York, great story lines. A  15  year old winner. Michael Jordan shows up to watch Federer.  It's a  scene!  Can't get enough....And hey, it's only day 3. Getting in the mood to hit...Enjoy!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

After Topsy-Turvy Summer, Dow Closes Yesterday At 17,000 Again!

  After a very up and down last 2 months, the Dow  is back to 17,000 . Down 300, back up. What does it really mean?  While the Dow reacts daily to  interest rate fluctuations , world events , oil prices and the like, there is little doubt the upward trend continues...Up 10,000 points since the summer of 2008. Any credit for Obama?
   You be the judge....

Monday, August 18, 2014

Rick Perry Indicted; Couldn't Have Happened To A Nicer Guy!!

Texas  Governor Rick  Perry was recently  indicted  for   abusing his power while acting as Governor of  the great state of  Texas . The indictment has to all but  put an  end to  his Presidential aspirations. I'm sure that Governor Perry  will put on his happy face and fight the indictment and charges to the bitter end, with the people of  the Lone Star State  paying for his legal defense.
  Look, we all know that a prosecutor  can get an indictment of  a ham sandwich if he  wants to. In reality, that's exactly what he got here. An indictment of a ham sandwich. Good luck Rick. Happy campaigning Ricky Boy!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams, One Of A Kind; Dead At Age 63!!

 Robin Williams  dead at age 63. I feel like a part of me has been taken.  Robin Williams , who modeled himself  after Jonathan Williams lost his bout to depression. Tragic ending for one of the zaniest comedians  EVER!  Look, everything that could be  said about him has been said or will be said. He was larger than life. A  genius in so many respects.
  I  hope he will live on for generations to come. God Bless You Robin!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Becky Hammon and San Antonio Spurs, You Rock!!!

  This great breakthrough,  story   and  accomplishment is not about just  one person  or one  organization.  It's about  one accomplished  basketball player  with  a high basketball  IQ  and  an organization that "simply gets it "!  Hammon, is  the first  female  to join an NBA  coaching staff , none other than the classy  Spurs'  organization.
  The  Spurs through their  ownership, GM , coaching  staff  and  players  are  the epitome of "sports' class"  from top to bottom. For this hiring  to have come about it needed the right individual and the right organization. Almost like Branch Rickey,  the Brooklyn Dodgers and Jackie Robinson  in the 1940's!
  Anyway, based on the  success   that  former  Popovich assistants have had and continue  to have,  Hammon may one day be a head coach in the NBA. Look forward to  it.....

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Steven A. Smith Stupidity , As Much ESPN'S Fault As His own!!

  There were  3 related stories over the past  weeks  concerning Ray Rice . First, the NFL's  2 game suspension. Then the  outrage by almost everybody; That the penalty was too light and  how  the NFL  and society as a whole  have no   agenda for   addressing and dealing with widespread domestic violence . I  do believe though   that a ton of good , on a larger scale , will come out of this horrific incident. Zero tolerance.
   Lastly, commentators like Steven A. Smith, spent the better part of a week pulling their collective feet out of their mouths, and apologizing to the world. Remember,  everything  today is heard and seen by the masses. Smith's totally inaccurate and inappropriate comments   caused him embarrassment, humiliation, damage to his  reputation and a measly 2 wk suspension(like  Rice). But the real  lesson to be learned is, when discussing a sensitive topic with a  wide-scale critique of each and every word, your comments  must be pre-screened by your  network or publisher   and   carefully planned and thought out. You just  can't have a popular  commentator like Smith, with zero expertise in domestic violence,  "shooting from the hip" ,and making up sh_t as he goes along. Totally irresponsible.  In my opinion,  this is the precise way that   broadcasters and commentators get in the most trouble, when they are discussing hot button topics like  race, sexual preference,  bullying,  sexual harassment and  now domestic violence.
   Hey, they may mean well. May get good ratings and may sound good. But remember your every word  is being followed on social media  . Therefore, you only have one crack at  getting  it right. And ESPN. If you want to get it right, bring in "real experts'  " on domestic violence. Don't leave it in the hands of amateurs !!!