Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Donald Sterling : Adam Silver Did The Right Thing, But Will It Hold Up In Court?

   He acted  quickly , effectively and decisively in handing out the "Lifetime Ban"!  He did what  the  players, fans, owners and perhaps  most importantly , what the sponsors  wanted. I  am, under no stretch of the imagination saying  that Sterling  is not a racist. He most certainly is. He deserves  what he got. There is no place for him in  a  "civilized society", let alone as an owner of  a professional basketball team.
  Having said that, was the punishment too harsh ?  Will the ban and  the   vote  forcing him to sell the franchise withstand legal challenge ? Is a dangerous precedent being set?  Was the punishment appropriate for his racist words or did it take into consideration past  "bad acts" of Sterling? Will  Magic Johnson  buy the  team?
 For  now,  Sterling is banished from the  Clippers  at least for the balance of the playoffs. That is what the NBA  had to do  to  remove the  "dark, Sterling cloud "(no pun intended)  hanging over the playoffs. I  think  we all expect a spirited legal challenge by Sterling and his legal team. The fight  is far  from over.  Has barely started in fact. We shall see how things  develop  .
   Silver's actions have  at least guaranteed  a few nights of   "peace of mind" for the NBA  Family. Avoided potentially, irreparable damage. Time to  get back to hoops.  So, I'll    see you at 10:30  tip tonight.. Gonna be a great one!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Boston Marathon, You Rock!!!

A  year after  one of the worst domestic terrorist attacks in U.S. history, the People of the  City of Boston  stood tall  and   "ran "  one of the world's premier marathons. Twenty eight people  who were injured in 2013 ran again, we had  a 39 year old mens' winner  and  widespread pride, strength and bravery  throughout.
   To those families and individuals  whose loved ones were killed or injured by this cruel  and hateful act, God Bless!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Ruben Hurricane Carter Dead at Age 76!! What Inner Strength and Courage !!!

 Wow, out of left  field, Hurricane Carter  dead at age 76!  I just  saw "Hurricane "  again last  week. On  a side note, I'm very friendly with one of the  lead lawyers  who represented Ruben for close to 30 years. What a lesson in, " never give up no matter how bleak  things look "!!
  Through trials, appeals and finally as I recall a Federal  Habeus  Corpus proceeeding,  justice prevailed. Despite his  superior  physical and inner strength and fortitude  , prison and his legal battles  did certainly take a toll on him. He was, no doubt,  a great man.
 Always remember,  if ever things look bleak,  or your problems look insurmountable, Ruben Hurricane Carter taught us one everlasting lesson.
   Don't ever give up.  Keep on "fighting "!!!    God Bless  you Ruben!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Michael Phelps is Back; More Medals in 2016?

 I  think it's fair to say that Phelps is the greatest  Olympian of all-time!!  Twenty two medals and counting. Unreal!!  So after announcing his retirement in 2012, working on his golf game, doing  Subway commercials  and sleeping late,,  I   guess Phelps  has the "Olympic Bug  "  again.
   Hey, he's only 29...Lot of hard work ahead of him..He's certainly used to that.
 So let's see in 2016 . How many medals will he win  next  time around?   Your thoughts?

  Michael, u rock!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

David Conquers Goliath, UConn Wins 4th Championship in The Last 15 Years!!

 So which are the greatest  college hoops  programs  of all-time?  UCLA  of course #1 !  Kentucky  second. North Carolina,  Duke, Kansas,  Indiana .....Oh wait. Don't  leave UConn  off the top ten list  , now that  they've  won 4 Titles  in the last 15 years. Remarkable, fabulous,  energizing  , uplifting !!. Great accomplishment.
   So congrats  to  Kevin Ollie and his Huskies. I  thoroughly enjoyed every second of the game.
Lady huskies tonight?  Let's see....

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Knicks; Two Back In Loss Column, Will Atlanta Continue To Implode?

The Knicks are 32-43, certainly nothing to brag about. But in the NBA's  Eastern Conference, anything is possible.  The  Knicks have  7 games left, Hawks 9.  Atlanta  eeked out a win against the Sixers last night  to stay  2 up in the loss column.
  So is it pretty? No. Will they pull it out? The odds are against them.  I can tell you one thing though .  I stayed up late  during the West Coast swing watching the  late games.
   Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. 
     Next game Wednesday!