Thursday, June 27, 2013

US Supreme Court in 5-4 Decision ,Declares DOMA Unconstitutional! Go SCOTUS....

 Wow , a 5-4 squeaker in one of the  most important decisions in the last 25 years, has shocked conservative America. You know what, somehow, some way they got it right! Who woulda thunk.
   One vote the other way would have set back "Gay Equality"  50 years.
    So , while the struggle will continue, on this day I'm proud of the United States Supreme Court.

  Sorry, Justice Thomas.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Wimbledon Under Way, Two Weeks of Awesome Tennis to Come!

  Something about this tourney I   have always loved. London,  the history, the grass, NBA season is over,  it comes around  July 4th.  All of the above.  The coverage is amazing...10-12 hours a day !
   Already, Federer and Sharapova  have won in straight sets . Nadal lost the  first set and is struggling. Great action, every day.
   Hey, there are  two things we're guaranteed at Wimbledon. Rain and   the best tennis action of the year.

  Lets go Roger!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Spurs-Heat, Game 7...Nothing Like It!

 In team sports, the ultimate  event is a Game 7 in a final round or championship series. Pressure, intensity, skill, will to win, all hands on deck, play to you drop , all accurately describe the  mindset of players and their coaching staff.
  One of the most intense 7th games I can remember took place between the Celts and Kobe's Lakers 4 or 5 years ago. Low scoring, intense-plus and every inch of the floor was fought for . Interestingly enough, the refs let em play. I'm not a Laker or Celtics fan primarily, but I sweated through most of that game.
  Tonight, with so much on the line for so many, I hope  the game can match the  intensity and  effort of that Laker-Celts 7th game. If so, we're all in for a treat!
   Take a nap, and be ready. You don't want to miss this one!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Spurs Played Like Champions Last Night...Could Danny Green Be the Finals MVP?

  Tremendous performance by the Spurs to get the big lead, hold on for dear life and finally get the win! Ginobli, Parker, Duncan, Green(Big 4?) and Company  got it done . I'm sure "Pop" and the Big 3 will tell you that this is the best team they've ever faced in the finals. Lebron still having troubles with mid-range stuff.
  So back to South Beach. Does it get any better?
    Did I hear someone say Danny Green for MVP?

   See you  Tuesday!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Batman and Robin Are Back! Heat Win!

  What a difference a game makes. Lebron and Wade  dominated every facet of the game last night. Defense, rebounding , scoring, passing, attacking the hoop  and both displayed  an off the charts  level of athleticism . Simply stated, those 2 , with Bosh chipping in, were like  men amongst boys last night.
   What a series!  Best of three now. Don't know what we'll see in game 5...But I'm anticipating a classic .
  See you Sunday. Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

J-Kidd, Born to Be a Coach!

Congrats JKidd. Congrats to the Nets. Congrats to the NBA!  Congrats to the entire basketball world. Jason Kidd one of the smartest , greatest and most respected point guards in NBA history is coming to Brooklyn to coach the Nets  at the ripe" young -age" of 40.
   Great move! Can't miss . As he has always done, he will instantly make the Nets better. Most definitely will surround himself with seasoned assistants...Maybe a defensive guru too. Now , I'm excited about the Nets.

 Rember, Springstein was Born to Run; Kidd was Born to Coach!!!    Gonna be exciting .

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Spurs In a Romp...Up 2-1!

Weird series so far. Game 1 in Miami, a very good game! Games 2 and 3 blowouts . Spurs keeping Lebron in check and finding ways to win. Neal and Green, wowee!
  Big one tomorrow in  San Antonio.  We again, for the hundreth time, will see what the Heat are made of .

  Wade, where are youuuuuu?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

NBA Finals; It's For All the Marbles!

  It's that time of year again! Early June, pools and beaches open. Kids' school year winding down. Fire flies. Staying light to 8:30. NHL playoffs . French Open Tennis  . But for 2 and a half weeks forget all that. It's the NBA Finals. Spurs- Heat game 1  in 22 minutes on ABC. The NBA  has come a long way...from the days the Finals were on tape delay and actually blacked  out in some places.  Now , the event is watched worldwide! Truly global. Every kid in China wants to be Lebron.
  So that leads me to the series. So many subplots that have  been hyper-analyzed. Enough. Time for the tip!

  Oh yeah.  Spurs in 7....

Monday, June 3, 2013

Miami-Indy Game 7...Lot at Stake!

Tonight, tonight!  Game 7 in Miami.. This is what it's all about.  Should be a war. Will Lebron get help?  Can Miami  neutralize Indy's size? Birdman is back...Will  Wade and Bosh step up ? Will Hibbert make any more anti-gay slurs..Maybe he should play the role of the strong silent type.
   More at stake than just a trip to the finals to meet the well-rested Spurs. For Indy, a young hungry team making the finals would  be a tremendous accomplishment. George and Hibbert have had  "breakout appearances" in the playoffs. Happy for both of them!
   For the Heat, more at stake. Yes, of course, the opportunity to  win a second consecutive ring. But long-term, there is  more  at stake. Will  Lebron stay  after next year?   Is this the  potential end of the big   3? Does Miami have to get younger and bigger? What is going on with Wade's body?
  If you recall, there  were similar questions  being asked last year ,when the Heat were down 3-2  to the Celts.  They gutted it out and beat the Celts. Can they do it again?
   If so, get ready for the same questions to be asked again during the finals.  

  See you tonight!