Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What can you do if your surgeon, who prepared a narrative refuses to testify?

I'm sure we've all had the unpleasant experience of having your surgeon, who also authored your narrative on causation and permanency tell you last minute he is refusing to testify. Makes your day, doesn't it? Well aside from feeling sorry for yourself , there are basically three things you can do to try to extricate yourself from this mess;
1. Request time from the Court to secure a new Dr. to examine and prepare a narrative.You can subpoena in the surgery report of the recalcitrant surgeon. If that doesn't work you can..
2. Subpoena your own doctor and hold him to the contents of the report...or lastly
3. Obtain a Court order and hold him in contempt if he doesn't appear...This option of possibly being led into the courtroom in handcuffs usually does the trick.
I hope this never happens to you; but if it does you know what to do.

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