Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Holy Sh_t! Arbitration Panel Issues Award Compelling Armstrong and Tailwind Sports To Pay $10 Million For Perjury!!

In a 2-1 decision, an arbitration panel ordered Amstrong and Tailwind Sports to pay $10 million to SCA Promotions. Essentially, this proceeding opened up a 2006 settlement between the parties, with the thrust of the ruling  being supported by Armstrong's perjuring himself under oath. While $10 million is hefty, it won't come close to breaking Armstrong.
  But hey, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dow; Through Snow, Ice , Wind and Freeze, The Dow Claws Its Way Back to 18,000!!!!

 The arctic freeze is here in full force. Record chill! 7  feet of snow in Boston. Yikes. But somehow, some way the Dow Jones has  climbed back and closed Friday at 18,019. Wowee....
  So  while we're home freezing our butts off,  stock prices are nearing record highs. And just think, I filled  up our minivan for $24. Go figure.
  Stay warm and safe!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dean Smith, More Than A Coach, He Was A Man!!

Dean Smith , the architect of the 4 corners offense, pointing at the player who made the assist on your hoop and building winners on and off the court died at age 83. I started watching Tar Heels' hoops when  I was 8 years old. Larry Miller, Jim Bunting and Rusty Clark were the pillars of those teams.. Archrival-UCLA!  Wow, remember it all so well.
   Dean, you were an inspiration to all!  God Bless...

Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl 49, Awesome Game, But Seahawks Lay An Egg!

The Super Bowl was everything it was built up to be. Two great teams, great coaches , great franchises!! So many story lines. So much historical significance. Offense vs defense! Defense vs. offense. Carroll , a former New England coach.
  At the end of the night, history was forever changed by a  "terrible play call " that will be discussed for generations to come.But,  if the Seahawks score Carroll is a genius and Belichick is the one questioned for not calling a time out. Did anyone say Marshon Lynch?
  In any event it was truly enjoyable from start to finish! NBC did a great job and Tom Brady now joins Bradshaw and  Montana. Peyton, eat you heart out...