Saturday, January 31, 2015

Serena Gets Number 19 In Straight Sets Against Maria!

Serena did it again! Winning another Aussie Open in straight sets, she displayed  perhaps the greatest power in womens' tennis history! Overpowering Sharapova, who herself  had overpowered the field, brought her record head to head to 16 and 2. Wow!!
  So only  one major thing to accomplish. Can she catch or pass Steffi Graf  to become the greatest ever? Your thoughts?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sheldon Silver In For The Fight of His Life!

 Long time New York Speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver, reportedly is in Federal Custody  resulting from Federal charges that he has  received legal fees from a NYC law firm , but failed to properly disclose same.Silver a fixture in New York State politics , still  lives on Grand Street. He is known for his iron-hand running of the Assembly . In legal circles it is also well-recognized that he receives a substantial salary from a powerhouse New York City personal injury law firm. He is permitted by law to draw that salary.
  So what will happen to Mr. Speaker?  Will he fight and beat the charges? Who will be his superstar defense counsel? Is this the end of his political career? Will he stay on as Speaker while the criminal case plays out? 
   Stay tuned...  Certainly will be interesting to follow!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Aussie Open Under Way.... Slam Season Is Here!

 Tennis fans, finally some meaningful tennis is here. The  Australian open has started, Federer, Djokovic and the  crew are back. Two weeks of great stuff "down under".
  As usual I'm pulling for Roger and the American ladies.
  Live tennis tonight on the Tennis Channel! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Super Bowl Gonna Be A Dandy!

  I  don't think I'm going out on a limb when I  say that  NBC  is drooling over the Pats-Seahawks  matchup. Don't get me wrong, any of the matchups had great storylines and intrigue! But of  the 4 possible scenarios, Brady against Wilson, Carroll against Belichick, Gronkowski against Sherman give rise to   the greatest anticipation!
  This very well could be the most watched Super Bowl of all-time! Just 2 weeks away. Wow! What are advertisers going to pay for a 60 second slot? 30 seconds?  Big money!  Anyway, by 10:30 on Sunday night February 1st, either Russell Wilson will have 2 rings in a row! Or Brady will have number 4! 
  Just praying it aint a dud like last year....
    Enjoy.  Prediction, Seahawks 31-Pats 28!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Nets Owner Prokhorov; Was It Ever Really About A Championship?

 Let's face it. You don't become a billionaire by being stupid!  The Nets owner is no exception. Prokhorov who owns the team and 45 % of Barclays, purchased  his interest for $223 million about 4 yrs ago. While the Nets have not lived up to expectations, the team's value has.
  Reports that Prokhorov  is looking to "cash out" are all over the internet. Has he lost interest, is it  the tightening up of the Russian financial markets or  is it  the lure of making a huge windfall? Or all 3?  His interest could well be worth north of a billion. Not bad for the former "NJ Nets"! 
  My prediction $2billion...Only in America!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

NFL Playoffs, Thank God For Some Exciting Sports!

 I  guess my "sports senses " are kinda dulled. Been suffering with Yanks, Jets, Giants and the unwatchable Knicks. Find myself watching Shark Tank instead of Knicks' hoops. Anyway, really enjoyed New England-Ravens and Cowboys-Packers games. Big time playoff football.
  Networks have to be drooling  with Green  Bay-Seattle and Pats-Colts matchups. Second game  "primetime ".  Looking forward to it and frankly anything to take me out of my "Knick misery" !

Monday, January 5, 2015

Stuart Scott Passes At Age 49! Very Sad!

Stuart Scott  passed away after bravely battling cancer. His speech at the ESPYS and his unwavering love for his daughters will always be remembered. He was universally respected and liked.
  RIP!    God Bless Stuart...