Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays!

I  want to take this  time to wish  a Merry  Xmas and Happy New Year to all!!!

God Bless!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Oh Hannukah, Oh Channukah!!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish my Jewish family, friends and customers a joyous and special holiday!  God bless!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ferguson Was Tragic; Will Something Positive Come out of It?

Ferguson certainly was  gut-wrenching. A death, a city and region divided.  Civil unrest, damage to untold numbers of businesses. Anger, grief, frustration, revenge and denial. And finally a Grand Jury's findings, which   set off a wave of protests, demonstrations and unrest nationwide.
   Are the demonstrations really just about  Ferguson ? Or are they about something much, much bigger? Is it   the way  minorities are policed in our cities throughout this country! What can be done differently ? Is there a solution? I would like to  say yes. So  much violence. So much hatred.  How can we end this vicious cycle?
  Well that my friends is the magic question. Do we need more community outreach? More minority officers and minority  decision -makers. Alternatives to keep teens and young men off the streets. Incentives to stay in school..Continue with education. Yes, yes, yes and yes.
  So will  we see change? We have to. All this senseless loss of life has to stop.  We have to start somewhere. God Bless Michael Brown and his family .
 Your thoughts?