Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gobble. Gobble.Hope Everyone Enjoyed The Turkey!

I just wanted  to take the opportunity to wish my family, friends and customers  "peace " during the holiday season !! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dow Jones at 17,700; Are You Kidding?

  Seeing is believing. The  Dow  is "cooking with gas"!  Where is it  headed this holiday season?  18,000 now looks probable...Not certain though.  Let's wait and see.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veterans Day To Our Armed Forces , We Owe So Much To You!

 As I've gotten older, I've gained  a much, much better appreciation for those who protect our country; the Armed Forces.. Say what you might, these men and woman have risked and   continue to risk 24/7 , life and limb for "our   individual  and collective  freedom " .  And for that,   my  family and I say  thank you! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Knicks Basketball; Oh Where O Where Has The Triangle Offense Gone?

  It seems like ages ago...The Knicks were  2-1, coming off  2 straight W's.  They were  running the  "triangle"  to perfection  .  Assists were flying , ball was flying... Then  overnight, they seemed to revert back  to "Carmelo Isolation ".  Three straight ugly  losses and they're 2 and 4.
   Yes, it's early. Yes there is a new system, new personnel, a new infra-structure .  Rotation is  still a work in progress . So give them time.And for God's sake, give Amare some more minutes!!!!
   Atlanta tonight...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Really ? Dow Almost Back to 17,500 !!!

Here we go  round the mulberry bush, the mulberry  bush....  The DOW  after getting pounded for the past several weeks has again  risen from the ashes and is hitting new all-time highs....   At  about 10:20  this morning,  the "Mighty Dow " hit  17,485. If I'm not mistaken, a record high..
    Where will  it take us next?  Does it really matter?   It's only monopoly money anyway!