Monday, July 28, 2014

Byron Scott Comes Full Circle ; Returns Home To The Lakers To Coach!!

 Not  unlike Phil Jackson, Byron Scott  has returned home.  Three rings with the Showtime Lakers . Two finals appearances with the Nets as a coach. Multiple stops as a respected  coach. Now he's home. Gonna be a challenge, but thank God for Byron, expectations are not high. What does Kobe have left in the tank? Will there be some L.A. Linsanity?   Should be interesting to say the least.
   Don't worry I already have my NBA League Pass. 
   Good luck Byron...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Rory Wins British Open! That's Three By Age 25 !

  Rory does  it coast to coast. Pretty impressive  stuff. Thank God for Sergio Garcia who put some  drama into the "back nine" Sunday. But  McElroy  prevailed.
  Congrats to  joining  pretty  select company(Jack and Tiger)  in winning   your 3rd  Major by age 25.....

Monday, July 14, 2014

World Cup; Germany Wins It All Again!!

Great game. Great  World Cup. Lots of   "new fans".  Excitement,  defeat, every emotion across the board ! Question I have is will this unbelievable World Cup translate into more interest among U.S fans ?
  Hard to tell.  While I for one, will watch more  European Futbol, soccer still has to compete with the NFL, NBA  and NCAA  hoops and football. So let's see.  No doubt  though, great month of   thrills  and tremendous coverage by ESPN( Tv and radio).

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

World Cup; Germany Destruction of Brazil Akin To Seattle Wipeout of Broncos In Super Bowl!!

I've been  watching a lot of   the World  Cup  2014. Before this  game I was not impressed  with  Brazil. But hey, they had been winning. The  Semi-final  I  believed  was a tossup. Expected a great(close) game  and  I felt Brazil would rise  to  the challenge .
   Never in anyone's wildest dreams did we   expect a 7-1  German  beatdown!  Hey, that's why we play the games.  Argentina-Netherlands today. My  pick; Argentina 2-1.  See you at 4 today!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Federer-Djokovic, The Most Nerve-Racking Match I Ever Saw!!

I don't know.  Something about this match. The stakes, the players, Wimbledon, Novak's drought, Roger's " last stand " or  the degree of difficulty on the shots. It was a  cardiac match all the way. Five sets. Best match I ever watched from start to finish.
  Congrats to both players!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Mighty Dow Approaches 17,000!!

At  11 am today the Dow Jones  hit 16,970. By far the all-time high water mark! So will it hit 17,000 as I predicted ? Yes, no ifs, ands or buts.... George Bush  , what do you have to say about this now.....
 Let's see. The sky is apparently the limit.
  Happy 4th of July to all.